
发布 2021-02-10 11:06:28 阅读 9371


1.看起来脸色苍白 look pale

2.一场事故 an accident

3.听** listen to music

4.过马路 cross the road

5.用手机交谈 talk on the mobile phone

6.及时停下来 stop in time

7.从自行车上摔下来 fall off / fall down from the bike

8.磕破他的朦盖 hurt his knee

9.考虑事故的风险 think about the risk of an accident

10.注意 pay attention to...

11.并排骑车ride side by side

12.信号灯 traffic lights

13.把它拿起来 pick it up

14.把它扔向厨房的另一边 throw it across the kitchen

15.用。来拍照take a photo with...

16.藏在冰箱后面 hide behind the fridge

17.疼得厉害 hurt badly

18.匆忙去医院 hurry to hospital

19.变得更糟get worse

20.把**发给动物园 send the photo to the zoo

21.一。就。as soon as...

22给他开出了对症的药物 give him the right medicine

23.把**给医生看 show the photo to the doctor

24.正如你所知道的 as you know


a boy was riding his bike and listening to music on the road.

i will all you as coon

在洲处。62.他从自行车上掉了下来。掉伤了盖, he fell off the bike and hurt his kne

不要骑得太快,don' t ride too fast

5.不要和朋友并肩骑车。don' t ride side by side with your friends

6.不要听**,don' t listen to music

条蛇突然出现了并咬伤他的手。 a snake suddenly appeared and bit his hand

图8.它爬了出来,躲了起来。 it climbed out and hid somewhere

9.他的手开始剧烈地疼痛起来, his hand began to hurt badly

他疼痛难忍地躺在那儿。 he was lying there in great pain

1.灯变红时,一辆汽车突然出现在街道拐角处, while the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared ro

我正试图捡起它,突然它又咬了我一口。 i was trying to pick it up when it bit me again

我们吃晚饭的时候,他们到了。 they arrived when/while we were h**ing dinner.

请注意拼写。 pay attention to spelling

他们正在田地里干活突然下起雨来。 they were working in the field when it began to rain.


八上m7 1.一个叫 alice的女孩 a girl called alice 2.在河边by the river 3.一只带着手表的白兔 a white rabbit with a watch 4.从她身边跑过 run past by her 5跟在兔子后面 follow the rabbit 6...


八上 m6 1.保护濒危动物 protect animals in danger 2.夺走它们的土地和森林 take away their land and forests 3.允许某人做某事 allow sb.to do 告诉某人做某事tell sb.to do 叫。做某事 ask sb.to d...


八上m3 1.在我们校队 in our school team 2.和。对抗 play against 3.不是。而是。not but.4.尽可能早到 arrive as early as possible 5.尽可能多说英语 speak english as much as possible 6....