
发布 2021-02-10 11:00:28 阅读 1766

unusual adj 与众不同的,不寻常的 usual 寻常的,普通的 usually adv. 通常,经常。

he likes collecting unusual things, and he usually gives us surprises.

interview n.&v. 采访;面试 interview sb. about sth

interview your classmates about their collections.

model n. 模型;模特 model planes 飞机模型。

stamp n. 邮票 stamps collecting 集邮。

doorbell n. 门铃

there are eight doorbells on their front door.

front adj. 前面的 (做定语)the front door 前门 the front seats of a bus 公共汽车前面的座位。

n. in the front of...在。。。的前面(范围之内)

prep. in front of...在。。。的前面(范围之外)

in my classroom, there is a teacher’s desk in the front of it, and tim sits in front of the teacher’s desk.

the bus stops right in front of our house. 公共汽车正停在我们房前。

silver adj. 银色的,银白色的 n. 银。

push v. 按,摁,推 pull 拉 drag 拖。

you push from the back and i'll pull at the front. 你在後面推, 我在前面拉。

soon adv. (in a short time from now)不久 how soon 多久后(常用于将来时,用in+ 一段时间来回答)

we soon got there. 我们很快就到那儿了。

how soon will you come back? -in a few days.

grandson n. 孙子,外孙 grand-用以构成复合名词, 表示家族关系。

granddaughter, 孙女,外孙女 grandfather外祖父, grandmother外祖母, grandparent 祖母(父)外祖母(父)

news***** n. 报纸 (可数名词) ***** 纸张(不可数名词)

a piece of ***** 一张纸

inside adv. 向里面 outside 向外面 prep. 在。。。里面。

i saw him walk/go inside, he is inside the house now. 我看他走进去,他现在在房子里面。

everywhere (all over the area; here and there)adv. 处处,到处。

you can see people everywhere at dongmen street.

词汇联想:everything, everybody, everyday

follow v. (go after)跟随

the duckling followed its mother everywhere. 小鸭子跟着鸭妈妈到处走。

词义拓展: follow sb's advice 听从某人的劝告 follow the latest fashions 赶时髦。

i don't follow. 我不明白

hardly adv. (almost not)几乎不,几乎没有。

there's hardly any milk left in the fridge. 冰箱几乎没有牛奶了。

i'm so tired ,i can hardly keep awake. 我疲倦得简直昏昏欲睡。

he hardly ever goes to bed before midnight. 他很少在午夜以前就寝。

space n. (room)空间;太空(不可数)

is there any place for my car to park? 有没有地方停我的车?

free adj. (not busy)空闲的;免费的;自由的 freedom 自由。

free time 空闲时间

should 应该(情态动词) shouldn’t 不应该情态动词(should/ can/ must/ may...动词原型。

you shouldn’t spend too much time collecting things, you h**e school work to do.

sentence n. 句子 word 单词 passage 文章的一段 paragraph 段落。

magazine n. 杂志。

something 某事,某物(不定代词)

词汇联想:somebody, someone, somewhere

really adv. 确实,的确 real adj真的。


it is really cold today.

snowman is not a real man.

---she's going to give up. -really? are you sure?

anything 任何东西(不定代词)


ago adv. 以前(用於其所修饰的词语之後, 尤与简单过去时态连用而不与完成时态连用)

ten years ago 十年前 not long ago 不久以前 it happened a few minutes ago. 那是几分钟以前发生的事。

uk n. 英国( united kingdom联合王国,即英国) in the uk 在英国。

over (more than) 大于,多于。

she's over two metres tall. 她身高两米多。

拓展:fall over 摔倒 their relationship is over. 他们的关系已经吹了 all over the world全世界。

over and over again 一而再再而三。

living room 客厅;起居室。

be bad for 对。有害。

be interested in 对。感兴趣。

work of art 艺术作品。


unit1词汇。adj.德国的,德国人,德语 国人变复数 s 变形 germany n.德国。n.博客。n.语法。n.声音 v.听起来 拓展 look sound taste feel smell 合称五起来,后常接形容词作表语 sound作名词指自然界各种声音,voice指人的声音,noise指噪...


unit2 daily life daily adj.每日的 日常的 daily life 日常生活 china daily 中国 article n.文章冠词的英语也是它,一篇文章 an article never adv.从不频率副词。table tennis n.乒乓球桌子上的网球。ride ...


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