
发布 2021-02-10 10:59:28 阅读 1249

___night __a warm night

i’ll come back___two minutes.

he has been in jinan __seven years.


1. some areastheir severe weather conditions, are hardly populated.

a but for b in spite of c due to d with regard to

2. visitors are asked to comply __the regulations.

a at b in c with d on

3. he __so much work that he couldn’t really do it efficiently.

a put on b took on c brought on d turned on

4. in order to s**e time, i __my shopping to once a week.

a cut off b cut out c cut up d cut down

5. the idea has __that science cannot be wrong.

a piled up b picked up c grown up d put up

6. he did everything he could to prevent if from __into fighting.

a breaking off b breaking up c breaking out d breaking of

7. the construction of the new building will cost __1,000,000 dollars, and it’s not easy to

get so much money.

a at last b at most c at least d at large

8. nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the light happened to __

a. be put up b. give in c. be turned on d. go out

9. every morning she would give him breakfast___bed and bring him the *****s to read.

a. to b. at c. in d. by

10. your performance in the driving test didn’t teach the required standard, _you failed.

a. in the end b. after all c. in other words d. at the same time

11. why don’t they build a new road that goes___the town?

a. to b. through c. over d. round

12. _production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.

a. as b. for c. with d. through

13. _this book and tell me what you think of it.

a. look through b. look on c. look into d. look up

14. the doctor will be free __

a. 10 minutes later b. after 10 minutes

c. in 10 minutes d. 10 minutes after

15. did you h**e trouble __the post office?

a. to h**e found b. with finding

c. to find d. in finding

16. if you keep on, you’ll succeed___

a. in time b. at one time c. at the same time d. on time

17. we offered him out congratulations___his passing the college entrance exams.

a. at b. on c. for d. of

18. -how long has this bookshop been in business?

a. after b. in c. from d. since

19. the train le**es at 6:oo pm.

so i h**e to be at the station___5:40 pm at the latest.

a. until b. after c. by d. around

20. does john know any other foreign language __french?

a. except b. but c. besides d. beside



8. 答案是d。a和b与句意完全不符,put up 意为 “举起”,give in 意为 “让步”。

c项意为“开灯”,与该句意思相反。d项意为 stop burning or shining, 正适合句意。

9. 答案是c。本题考查bed 一词与什么介词搭配。“在床上”应上in bed。

10. 答案是c。本题考查对几个介词短语的辨析。a项意为最后,b项意为毕竟,d项意为同时,这三项均不符合句意。c项意为换言之正合题意。

11. 答案是d. 本题考查对这几个介词的辨析。

a和c明显不符合题意。through通常是指通过某个空间,如go through a tunnel (通过隧道),因此c项也不合题意 。

12. 答案是c. with 可表示原因,意为“因”、“由于”。

13. 答案是a. look on 意为“旁观”,look into 意为“调查”,look up 意为 “抬头看”,这几个选项均不符合题意。

14. 答案是c。本题考查对表示时间的介词短语的掌握。in 与一段时间连用表示“……之内”或“……之后”。 after与一段时间连用通常用于过去时。

15. 答案是d 如果能掌握h**e trouble in doing something 这一句型,就知道答案了。

16. 答案是a. 本题考查对介词短语的辨析能力。in time 除了意为“及时”外,还可为“迟早”、“总有一天”,相当于sooner or later/someday.

17. 答案是b. 本题考查对介词与名词搭配的掌握。

表示“向某人祝贺谋事”、常用的句型是offer somebody congratulations on something or doing something。

18. 答案是d。问句使用现在完成时,只有since 才能与之搭配。

19. 答案是c.

20. 答案是c. 本题考查对习惯用语的掌握,help oneself to 是固定搭配。

初中英语 介词

初中英语 介词用法。一 时间介词的用法辨析。一 介词at in on 的用法辨析。1 表示时间 1 at表示某一具体时间点,某一时刻 年龄 如 at six o clock at noon at the age of at night 2 in表示时间段,一天的三个时间段以及月份,年,季节,世纪,人...


英语介词不可单独使用,只能与不同的此类构成介词短语来在句子中担当一个成分。常用的五种介词短语。1.介词 名词 at the door,into the bag 2.介词 代词 for me,of others 3.介词 动名词 in doing so,to my saying that 4.介词 连...


学习好资料欢迎 英语许多动词 形容词和名词都与特定的介词搭配,我们必须熟悉这些搭配关系。1.动词与介词 或副词 的搭配。add to加到 上agree with同意 某人 arrive at in 到达ask for询问begin with从 开始believe in相信break into闯入br...