
发布 2022-08-06 10:54:28 阅读 6598


unit4i used to be afraid of the dark.知识点详解。

used to的用法。

used to十动词原形,意为“过去常干……”eg:he used to be a doctor.他过去是一位医生。

used to+动词原形的否定句为didn’t use to+动词原形[拓展]be /get used to

be /get used to-f-名词、代词或动名词,表示“习惯(做)某事”。

silent adj.安静的,沉默的,不说话的。其同义词为quiet, silent的名词形式为silence。◆see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在干……

eg:he saw the old man playing tennis at that time.他看见那老人在打网球。


拓展] hear /watch /see sb. do sth.听见/看见某人干……/干过……eg:

i often hear him sing.我经常听见他唱歌。◆[辨析]so和such,"那么”

1)so+adj. /adv.;so many/much /few /little+n.

(2)such+a /an+(adj.)+n.(单);such+ad j.



eg:the boy is so tall.=heis such a tall boy.那个男孩那么高。

3)so...that如此……以致;such ..that如此……以致(引导结果状语从句)

eg:①he runs so fast that ican’t catch up with him.=he runs too fast for me tocatch upwith.

she is such a clever studentthat she gets good grades.她那么聪明总是取得好成绩。

其他重点短语:(1) get goodgrades in /get good scores on在……上取得好成绩;(2)onthe…team加入……队;(3)from time to time有时,时常◆deal with处理,对待(人或事),同义短语为do with,但是deal with常与how连用do with多与what连用。

careful adj.认真的,仔细的be careful to do sth.认真干……be careful about/of小心……

eg:you should be careful about your eyes.你应该注意你的眼睛。

not…anymore不再=nomore /not...any more表示动作不再重复,与表示瞬间意义的动词连用。

eg:he will no more singsongs.他不再唱歌了。

拓展] no longer /not...anylonger表示动作不再延续,与延续性动词连用。eg:

i won,t stay here anylonger.我不再呆在这。

注意:no more /no longer在句中的位置是情态动词/be/助动词之后,实义动词之前。◆give up sth. /doing sth.放弃(干……)

eg:he won’t give up working hard.他不会放弃努力工作的。◆be prepared to do sth.有能而且愿意干。

eg:are you prepared to helpme?你愿意帮我吗?◆make it取得成功。

eg:he wants to be a scientist,i think he will make it.


a small number of少量的,anumber of许多)+ n.(复)+v.(复)

eg:a small number of studentsdon’t like learning.少数学生不喜欢学习。


hate是动词,意为“憎恶,憎恨;厌恶,不喜欢”,其常见用法为hate sth.,hate doing /to do sth.。walk to school意为“步行上学”,相当于go to school onfoot。

拓展】ride ( a bike) toschool=go to school bybike;drive(a car)to work=go to workby car;fly tobeijing=go to beijing byplane◆worryabout意思为“担心”,尤指在持续的一段时间内“为……担心、发愁”。相当于be worried about,后常跟名词、代词或动名词;也可跟从句,接从句时要省略介词about。◆what about的用法。

what about+sb. /sth. /v.-ing=how about sb. /sth./v. -ing" .怎么样”用来表示询问或征求意见。

eg:①i’m 20 years old,what about you?我20岁,你呢?

-what about going tothe zoo?去动物园,怎么样?-ok.

/good idea. /ofcourse. /sure.

(no,let’s…)◆me too意为“我也是。”此结构表示与对方一致。

eg: -i like english.我喜欢英语。

一me too.(=i like it too./so do i.

)-i must go now.我必须走了。-so must i.

/me too.我也是。◆be proud of=take pride in对。

感到骄傲/自豪proud adj.骄傲的,自豪的pride”.骄傲,自豪。

eg:i’m proud of our rapiddevelopment.我为我国的快速发展感到骄傲。

seldom adv.不常,很少。相当于not often,但是hardly相当于almost not seldom.


eg:he seldom sees his mother, does he?他很少见到他母亲,是吗?

◆break rules违规=disobeythe rules【拓展] follow /obey therules遵守规定◆in person亲自。此短语相当于oneself。【拓展] personal adj.


to one’s surprise使某人惊讶的是,此短语作状语。surprise n.惊讶,吃惊;v.使(某人)吃惊。

拓展]surprised adj.感到惊讶;surprising adj.令人吃惊的。

eg:to my surprise,he isn’tsurprised at the bad news.使我吃惊的是,他对那坏消息并不感到吃惊。

even though相当于even if /though /although四者都不能在同一个句子中与but连用。其他短语:(1)make a decision作决定;(2) pay more attention to更加关注;(3) feel good aboutoneself自信。


形容词,意为“全面的,普通的”如:a general outline大纲名词,意为“大众”如:ingeneral大体上◆introduction名词,意为“介绍”,“序言,引言”

eg:a letter of introduction介绍信其动词为introduce意为“介绍”,其用法有introduceoneself作自我介绍introduce sb. to…把某人介绍给……

my life has changed a lot inthe last few years.在最近的几年里我的生活发生了巨大变化。in the last /past…years意为“在最近的几年里”常与现在完成时态搭配。

returnhome回家=gohome=bebackreturn还有“归还”之意,可接双宾语,相当于givesth. back to sb.

eg:they returned thebooks to their owner.他们把书归还原主了。

◆remain silent=be /keep silent保持沉默remain /be /keep都是系动词。

absent from class=missclass缺课◆be required to do sth.被要求去做某事be required是require(要求)的被动形式◆fail the examinations考试不及格。

1)fail the examinations测试不及格,pass the test测试过关(2)fail (in)还可表示“在某方面不成功”。

eg:he failed(in)his driving test three times.他三次参加驾驶考试都没有通过。

(3) fail还可以与不定式连用:fail to do sth.意为“不能做某事,没有做某事”。

eg:he often fails to keephis words.他经常不守约。



单元语法精讲——used to do sth.用法小结。

to do sth.表示“过去常常做某事”,只表示过去和现在对比,暗示现在不做了。to为动词不定式符号,后接动词原形。

eg:he used to go to school at six o’clock.他过去常常六点去学校。

2. used to do sth.的否定形式:

usedn’t to do sth.

主语+used not to do use to do sth.

eg; he used to watch tv all day.他过去常常整天看电视。→he usedn’t to watch tv all day.

he didn’t used to watch tv all day.他过去不常常整天地看电视。注意:usedn’t= used not

3. used to do的疑问形式及其答语:(1)used+主语+to do...

回答:yes,sb. used to./no,sb. usedn’t to.

eg:tom used to read books.一used tom to read books?

yes,he used to./no,he usedn’t to.(2) did十主语+use to do...

回答:yes,sb. did./no,sb. didn’t

eg:i used to do homework after school.

did you use to do homework after school?yes,i did. /no,i didn’ to do的反意疑问句形式也有两种,类似于否定句形式。

eg:-they used to go to the concert on sunday,usedn’t/didn’t they?

一yes,they used to./no,they usedn’t to.(一yes,they did./no,they didn’t.)

to也可用于there be结构,表示“过去常有”

eg:there used to be a meeting every monday morning last month.上个月每星期一上午总要开会。6.拓展:

sb. get/be used to ( doing) sth.某人习惯于(干)某事;use sth. to do sth.用某物做某事;

used to do sth.某物被用于做某事;be used for(doing) sth.用于做某事;be used by sb.被某人所用。


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