
发布 2022-08-05 12:01:28 阅读 8989


1.直发 straight hair

2.中等身高 of medium height

3.戴眼镜 wear glasses

4.过去常常 used to



amy used to be short. she used to h**e short hair.



6. i used(use) to be very shy, but now i'm outgoing.

7. he used to h**e (h**e) long hair.

8. he gets used to getting (get) up early every day.

9. -i used to be really (real) quiet.

---i know. now you’re very outgoing.

10. if you want to be famous, you h**e to be p repare prepare) to give up your normal life



what is tina like now?

12. 他过去常常戴眼镜。

he used to wear glasses.


mario, you used to be short, didn't you?


i used to h**e straight hair.



b 15. my sister used to h**e curly hair

a used she

b. didn't she

c. h**e she

d. did she

c )16. -did you use to play soccer?

a. no, i don't. b yes, i do

yes, i did

d no, i did.

b)17. 1’min english than math.

a. more interesting

b. more interested

c. interesting

d. interested

d )18. -look! how dirty the river is!

---but itclear before a factory was set up.

a. isb has been

c. will b

d. used to be

b)19the morningfriday, the poor child left his home.

a. in; at

b on: of

c. in: of

d. on; on


a. ok.

b. you used to be short, didn’t you?

c. don't you remember me?

d. where are you working now?

e. did you use to wear glasses?

f. you used to be quiet, didn’t you?

g. you used to walk to school, didn't you?

jim: hey, peter! nice to see you.

peter: i'm sorry i don’t know you. who are you?

jim: i'm jim! your classmate. 20. c

pete: oh, you’re jim, aren’t you?

jim: yeah.

peter: 21. b

jim: yes, but i'm 1.8 meters tall now.


jim: yeah, i still wear glasses.

peter: 23. d

jim: i’m in shenzhen now.

peter: let's go to the restaurant for dinner, and we can h**e a chat.

jim: 24

1.在过去 in the past

2.得到好分数 get good scores

3.对……感兴趣 be interested in

4.时常,有时 from time to time



it's been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates.


6. you don't need to finish( finish)your work because there are still three days left.

7. the little girl in the village was very interested in reading the interesting books. (interest)

8. i saw some of my classmates playing (play) basketball when i passed by yesterday afternoon.

9. i will never give up doing( do)sports because i hope i will be healthier.



he used be afraid of dogs, but now he loves them and keeps a dog as a pet.


he often got good scores on his exams.


i saw him reading a book in the library just now.


good ideas swim into my mind from time to time.


14. he got a good score(成绩) in the test。

s very useful(有用的) to discuss your problem with your parents.

16. our english teacher is quite humorous (幽默).

17. h**e you ever heard of the saying “silence(沉默) is gold”?

18. tom is of medium height with short straight(直的)hair.


de) a lot of trees on the hill.

a. were used to being b had

c. used to h**e d. used to be.

b )20. bob is a boy. he often helps with housework.

a. silent

b helpful

c shyd lazy

a )21. -do you like playing computer games?

---no, but i

a. used to

b. didn't

c. do

d. don't,b )22. it has been years since ihere.

a. come

b. came

c. has come

d. was coming

a. 23. i am afraid i cannot agree to big discount.

a. such

b. soc. like

d admire


a. but now i like to h**e straight hair.

b. i h**e too much homework to do every day.

c. you like to play ball games, i remember.

d. nice to see you again.

e. don't you remember me?

f. but i prefer to wear sportswear now.

g. you used to wear glasses.

a: hi, jack. long time no see.

b. hi, jane. 24. d

a: i remembered that you used to h**e curly hair.

b: you're right. 25. a you look different, too. you used to wear jeans all the time.

a: yes, i do. 26. f

b: do you still like sports? 27. c

a: sure. how about you?

b: oh, i seldom do sports now. 28. b

a: so you see, people sure change. see you next time.


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