
发布 2020-02-21 17:59:28 阅读 8076

unit 4 i used to be afraid of the dark.

第一课时section a 1a—2c



91).马里奥过去戴眼镜。mariowear glasses.

2).马里奥过去个子矮吗? 是的mario __to be short?yes, he __


4).你过去个子矮,是不是?you used toyou?

5).你在班上总是沉默寡言。you were always

6).我从不敢大胆地问老师问题。i was neverto ask the teachers any questions.

7).你在科学方面成绩要比我好。you got a better gradethan i did.

8).我在一个游泳队。i’m __a __team.




used to用法小结。

1).used to do sth.表示“过去常常做某事”,只表示过去和现在对比,暗示现在不做了。to为动词不定式符号,后接动词原形。


he used to go to school at six o’clock.

make your own sentences with “used to...

2).used to do sth.的否定形式:

主语+ didn’t use to do sth.

he didn’t use to smoke.过去他不吸烟。

3).used to do的疑问句形式及其答语。

did+主语+use to do…?

回答:yes, sb. did./no, sb. didn’t.

4).used to do的反意疑问句形式也有两种,类似于否定句形式。

they used to see english movies on sunday, didn’t they?

知识延伸: get/be used to(doing) sth.习惯于(干)某事;

be used to do sth.= be used for (doing)sth.被用于做某事;

be used by 被。所用。


1). lily’s father usedplay) table tennis.

2). jane is a hard-working girl, she is used toget) up early.

3). wood is used to __make) desks, chairs, tables and so on.

4). you __use) to be short?

5). today, computers are___use) in both work and study.

6).lucy害怕) the dark, so she never goes out at night.

7). did you过去) play soccer?

8). i过去不常) be popular in school.

9). paula过去常常) be really quiet.


1.用used to, be used to ,get used to, be used for 填空。

1).mr blackbe a bus driver, but now he is a bank clerk.

2).the penwriting.

(3).my fathedrinking coffee after dinner.

(4).this machine(机器make bread.


1). my brother used to play football after school.(改为一般疑问句)

__your brother __play football after school?

2). tom used to be a quiet boy.(改为否定句)

tombe a quiet boy.

3). i used to see my aunt once a month.(对画线部分提问)

you use to see your aunt?

3.反意疑问句: 前肯后否,前否后肯。

you used to be quiet, didn’t you? 你以前很静的,是不是。

练习: 1)he is a student

2)he isn’t a student

3)he likes basketball

4)they’ll go to beijing tomorrow

5)your mother can’t swim

6)tom has had his supper

7)li ping is playing football

8) he went to school yesterday


第二课时 section a section a 2d, 4a—4c




i.短语记记记!1.直发 straight hair 2.中等身高 of medium height 3.戴眼镜 wear glasses 4.过去常常 used to 句型练练练!5.埃米以前个子高,她过去留短发。amy used to be short.she used to h e short...


课题 unit4 i used to be afraid of the dark.section a 1a 2d 课型 听说 班级小组姓名。设计人 张文利陈跃丁继霞审核人 日期 学习目标 1.重点词汇 humorous silent helpful score.2.重点词组 from time to...


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