
发布 2022-07-31 01:55:28 阅读 3734

课题:unit4 what would you do?


第 4课时 section b(p29 1a-2c)

学习目标: 1熟读并掌握本课1a 中的5个形容词的含义。


3 通过目标语言的学习培养自己的自信心。

学习重点: 1a 中的5个形容词的含义和听力练习。

学习方法: 自主学习完成1a,2a,和2b, 互助合作完成1b和2c.


1 outgoing2energetic3.

public7 hardly ever

8 give a front of10. without permission

11introduce wait for him to introduce himself to me

13 a: 你是什么样的人。

b: 我认为我富于创造性又外向。

二。 课内**

一)预习检测。 然后导入新课t:what are you like?

(二) 自主**。

1. 自主完成1a,2a,2b。

2.合作交流:1b( 熟读例句并根据实际情况练习对话)

2c( 根据听力材料的4个问题展开对话)


tell /invite sb. (not) to do sth. 要/ 告诉/ 邀请某人(不)做某事。



想邀请tim 到他家吃晚饭。

2. wait for sb. to do sth. 等待某人做某事。



一) 根据句意,首字母或汉语提示写词。

1 mike is very eand he never looks tired.

2 the girl introduced hat the beginning of the class.

3 i don’t think you’re more自信的) than before.

can’t borrow anything without p

5. jack is my good friend. he is有创意的)and外向的).

二) 单项选择。

1you were me? -i would tell him the truth. a. how about b. what if c. how if

2) this t-shirt is too big. please show mea. other b. another c. one

3) don’t throw waste *****public. a. on b. in c. to

4) don’t come in___my permissiona. asking with b. with asking c. without asking

5) hello, everyone! let me

a. introduce my name b. introduce myself c. to introduce myself


第5课时(p30 section b 3a-4)

学习目标:1. 根据音标拼读并牢记本节课的生词及短语

2. 通过阅读性格调查结果,培养自己的阅读能力。

重难点: 本节课的生词及短语;part 3b.

学习方法: 自主学习完成3a,3b,互助合作完成part4.

教学过程:一.课前预习: 一)翻译

1. 使---恼怒;打扰2. 使生气,烦恼3. 相当地。

4. 很多的;足够的5. 与---相处6. 圈子;阶层。

7. 一点也不8. right away9. something bad

10. a good listener

11. 你会宁愿呆在家看一本好书,也不愿参加聚会。

二)课前朗读2c及grammar focus.

二。 课内**

一)预习检测。 然后导入新课t:if a friend said something bad about you, what would you do?

(二) 自主**。




1. not --in the slightest = not---at all一点也不,根本不。

2.plenty of很多的;足够的。 既可修饰可数名词的复数形式,也可以修饰不可数名词。一般用于肯定句中,疑问句和否定句中通常用enough, many, much 等。

we h**e plenty of time/ friends. do you h**e enough money?

3. would rather --than---意为“宁愿---而不愿---其后分别接动词原形,也可用两个同类的词或词组。

she would rather go to a party than go to a movie. i would rather go to school by bus than by bike.

lucy would rather drink water than coffee.


一) 完成句子。

1 一些人害怕在公共场合说话 some peoplespeak

2 汤姆未经允许就骑走了我的自行车 tom rode my bike away

3 学习怎样与你的同班同学交朋友很重要

learningmake friends with your classmates is important.

4 lily在数学上一点也不差。 lily isn’tmath

5. 你有一个小的好朋友圈。 you h**e **ery good friends.

二) 单项选择。

1)you h**e __time to catch the train . a. plenty of b. many c. a lot

2) he is very friendly and he can___everyone --i practice conversations with friends

a. whyb. howc. who

3) in such a hot day, i would rather___at home thanout.

a. to stay ; to go b. staying; going c. stay; go

4) it took me___to think about the problem.

a. an hour or two b. one hour or two c. one hour and two


第6课时(p31 self-check)


2 阅读e-mail并回复。


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