
发布 2022-07-31 01:57:28 阅读 7447

九年级英语被动语态学案 name

一、 我会总结。


















二、 我会转换。

1. the children ate up the birthday cake quickly.→

2. workers produce more and more cars in china. →

3. they will put off the meeting because of the rain. →

4. the teacher is giving some advice to tom. →

5. we should make rules to change the situation. →

三、 我会选择。

1. many accidents___by careless drivers last year. 【北京】

a. are caused b. were caused c. h**e caused d. will cause

2. an official __by some reporters on food problems in shanghai yesterday.【上海】

a. is interviewing b. is interviewed c. was interviewingd. was interviewed

3. people who drink wine __to drive after may day. 【广东】

a. don’t allow b. isn’t allowed c. mustn’t allow d. mustn’t be allowed

4. many trees and flowersin our city every year. 【桂林】

a. planted b. are planted c. were planted d. plants

5. -when should i hand in my *****?

---your ***** mustas soon as the bell深圳】

a. hand in; rings b. hand in; will ring

c. be handed in; will ring d. be handed in; rings

friendly basketball match between teachers and studentstomorrow afternoon.anybody is welcome.【浙江丽水】

a.was held b. will be held c.is held d. must be held

7. boys and girls, the books in the library should___good care of. 【永州】

a. take b. are taking c. be taken

8. in the past the children were made __15 hours a day. 【山东枣庄】

a. to lock b. work c. to work d. lock

9. —what happened to billy? —he___because of his drink-driving.【江西】

a. is caught b. was caught c. has caught d. had caught

10. as everyone knows, rubbish __everywhere. 【山东聊城】

a. need be thrown b. mustn’t be thrown c. can’t throw d. may throw

11. half of the work __by now. 【柳州】

a. has finished b. has been finished c. h**e been finished

12.—who is the little girl in the picture?

—it's me. the picture10 years ago. 【山东威海】

a. took b. is taken c. has taken d. was taken

13. the computer is broken. _it___today? 【沈阳】

a. will; repair b. has; repaired

c. will; be repaired d. has; been repaired

will be two days before the decision包头】

a. has made b. will be made c. was made d. is made.

15. the radio says a wild animal zoo is going to __in our city. 【四川泸州】

a. be built b. built c. build d. be building

四、 我会翻译。

1. 英语在全世界被广泛地使用。

englishthroughout the world.

2. 他们把李奶奶当成是好朋友。

granny li

3. **是在2024年发明的。

telephonesin 1876.

4. 看!他正在做卡片呢!look! a cardby him.

5. 在那儿,西班牙语是官方语言。


五、 我会改错。

1. our classroom should is cleaned by us every day

2. he was seen help the old man cross the road yesterday.

3. a new library will built in our school next year.

4. great changes h**e been taken place in our hometown.

5. the problem has been solve by he.


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