
发布 2021-05-25 03:00:28 阅读 1401


1.及物动词带被动语态i wrote this passage.→this passage was written by me.

如情绪或受伤:amaze,interest,satisfy,shock,surprise,amuse,annoy,please,embarras,encourage,tire,bore,puzzle,injure, wound. ★下列哪些动词更常用于被动语态?


the director based his film on a true story. ②his film is based on a true story.(√

.tall trees line the roadthe road is lined with tall trees. (

.he covered the table with a cloth.. the table was covered with a cloth. (

常用被动结构的短语有:be filled with,be determined to, be dressed in, be devoted to,

be buried in ,be separated from, be crowded with, be decorated with, be seated, be addicted to


.the door may be locked inside. ②your homework can be handed in tomorrow


1).my uncle g**e me a present on my birthday.

→ i was given a present on my birthday. →a present was given to me yesterday

2).my father bought me a new bike. →a new bike was bought for me by my father

用to的双宾动词give, show, lend, sell, tell, pass, bring, take, teach, offer, pay, promise sth to sb

用for双宾动词:buy, cook, make, find, keep, order, choose, paint sth for sb

3. 感官动词或使役动词主动语态用省略to的动词不定式 ,但变为被动语态时,须加上to

the boss made the boy do he**y work. →the boy was made to do he**y work by the boss.

4. 短语动词要把它们作为整体看,即把它们看一个及物动词,介词或副词不可拆开或漏掉。

这类动词有: laugh at, operate on, listen to, look after, think of, talk about,hand in, catch sight of, make use of, pay attention to, set fire to, take care of等。

1). he can’t be laughed at by us. (2). the sick man is being taken care of by the nurse.


rise, happen, take place, break out, come about, occur等 (1).when we got to the top of the mountain, the sun has already risen.

6.五大感官系动词(feel,look, seem, taste, sound, smell)没有被动语态,主动表示被动。

the building looks beautiful.②her voice sounded quite sweet and we were deeply attracted.

7.一些动词表示性质的如:sell,wash, write, last, cook一般用作不及物动词其后通常加。

副词well, badly, easily, smoothly主动表示被动。1)the cloth washes easily.

2)the new product sells well.(3)the pen writes smoothly.

be worth +doing: 1)the book is well worth reading. 2)the problem is not worth discussing

deserve, need, require, stand +doing, 相当于to be done.

1.)the flowers need / want washing. (2)the problem required paying attention to

10.被动语态表示主动的固定搭配。be seated 坐着be pleased 高兴 be graduated 毕业于。

be occupied in 忙碌于get married.结婚it must be pointed out that…必须指出…..it is generally considered that……it must be admitted that…..



不及物动词没有被动语态,如:rise, happen, succeed, remain, take place, break out, belong to, consist of等。

2).感官系动词(feel,look, seem, taste, sound, smell)用主动形式表示被动意义,3).有些动词通常是及物动词,但是当它们和well, badly, easily等副词连用时,表示主语内。

在品质或性能,是不及物动词,用主动表示被动,这时不用被动语态,常见的有:write, read, clean, sell, wash, cook等。

4).be worth后的动名词要用主动表被动。

5).在need, want, require 表示“需要”的动词后的动名词用主动形式表被动意义。


被动语态。被动语态的构成。被动语态由 助动词be 及物动词的过去分词 构成。人称 数和时态的变化是通过be的变化表现出来的。现以teach为例说明被动语态在各种时态中的构成。一般现在时 am is are taught 一般过去时 was were taught 一般将来时 will shallbe...

高中英语语法考点分类汇总 被动语态

1 被动语态定义 被动语态是动词的一种特殊形式,用来说明主语与谓语动词之间的关系。如果主语是动作的执行者 即某人做某事 便叫主动语态 如果主语是动作的承受者 即某事被做 便叫被动语态。主动与被动的区别不是词序的区别,而是主语与谓语意义上的区别。在英语中只有及物动词和一些相当于及物动词的词组才有被动语...

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