
发布 2022-08-05 22:38:28 阅读 5486






1. 课前学生独立完成预习任务。包括单词、短语的记忆、课文熟读。

2. 要求小组找伙伴训练重点句型。



(一)1. gotten get的过去分词 2. oversleep 睡过头、睡得过久。

3. rush 冲、奔4. lock 锁、锁上。

5. relative 亲属、亲戚 6. fool 愚弄、欺骗。

7. empty 空的、排空 8. embarrassed 尴尬的、为难的。

9. describe 描述、描绘 10. announce 宣布、宣告。

11. exhausted 精疲力竭的 12. hoax **、玩笑。

(二)1. by the time 到。时候 2. go off 发出响声。

3. run off 跑掉、迅速离开 4. on time 按时。

5. break down 损坏、出故障 6. show up 出席。

7. set off 激起、引起 8. sell out 卖完、售光。

9. get married 结婚10. stay up 熬夜。

11. give somebody a ride 让某人搭便车 12. flee from 从。逃走。


1. what happened?

怎么啦?2. when i got to school, i realized i had left my backpack at home.


3. by the time i got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.


4. i took a quick shower, had some breakfast and then ran off to the bus stop.


5. i h**e never been late for school , but yesterday i came very close.


6. luckily, my friend tony and his dad came by in his dad’s car and they g**e me a ride.






they had already had breakfast before they arrived at the hotel. 在他们到达旅馆之前,他们已经吃早饭了。

he said that he had never seen such a beautiful bird before.


四 、基础知识。

单项选择 1. -what do you think of the movie?

---to tell you the truth, i don’t like itending is too sad.

a. the b. anc. a d. it’s

2. -were you late for school this morning?

--no, but i came very___when i got there, the final bell was ringing.

a. early b. close c. far d. fast

3. my grandfather died last week. hea teacher for about forty years.

a. has beenb. had been

c. had becomed. has become

4. by the time i hurried to the airport, the planeoff.

a. had takenb. has taken

c. is

5. -h**e you __forgotten your parents’ birthdays?--no

a. never, never b. ever, ever

c. ever, neverd. never, ever

6. i didn’t realize that i __my purse at home until it was time to pay.

a. forgot b. had forgot c. left d. had left

7. -can you come and join us in the basketball game?

---i am afraid i can’ti’ll h**e to do my work first.

it b. make it c. join it d. support it



one day my motherask) me to buy some cakes and meat. when i got to the cake shop, itbegin) to rain. and i found the cake shopclose).

so i had torun) to the meat shop in the rain. but when i asked for 1 kilo of meat, the boss told me that all of the meatsell) out. finally i got home with nothing, and i was all wet.

it was really a bad day!




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