
发布 2022-07-30 12:45:28 阅读 4402


1.全体学生掌握并运用以下词汇:dialects, accents, traditions, typical, changeable, disappear, get rather mad, be pound of, be different from, spend with sb


1)after i had spent a week with my english family.

2) but it is not the language that is different and surprising

3) it is very different from what i learned at school.

4)before i came to england, i had thought that fish and chips were eaten everyday.

5)but what is ordinary for all british is that they follow traditions.

6)probably britain has more living signs of its past than many other countries.




step1:warming up(展示一封刚收到的学生求助的电子邮件,复习书信的格式并导入新课。)

ask students some questions:

s the capital of london?

you often write letters? how often do you write a letter?

you know sth about foreign customs ?

step2: listen to the tape and answer the following two questions.

1. can we often see “london fog” in london now? why?

2 . is what he’s seen quite different from what he’d learned at school?

show some pictures of england.

step3:fast reading (after reading, ask ss answer the following

(1) boris had spent a month with his english family. _

(2) students in his group speak the same dialects __

3) fishes and chips were eaten everyday in london. _

4) he had seen the “london fog

5) people in london h**e always been proud of the ancient buildings. _

step4:careful reading

1. 小组内合作解决短文的汉语意思,找出不懂的地方进行交流。


step5: explanation找出学生集中不理解的地方,教师进行拓展解析。

1)stop doingmake sentences)

2) spend ….doing sth翻译)

make sentences


1)after i had spent a week with my english family.

2) but it is not the language that is different and surprising

3) it is very different from what i learned at school.

4)before i came to england, i had thought that fish and chips were eaten everyday.

5)but what is ordinary for all british is that they follow traditions.

6)probably britain has more living signs of its past than many other countries


step6: retell the text.(教师在投影上打出一些连接提示词,让学生进行小组复述,各组完成后选择其中一名进行复述,达到知识迁移深化的最高目标。)

step 7: summary让学生进行自主建网,通过对文章的学习,让学生归纳文章中的短语,总结本课都学习了哪些重难点,自主合作,其他小组补充。若是有不会的内容可以请教周边优生或向教师发问。

step 8: homework

1. 复习并背过今天所学单词(b)

2. 用英语写一封信。(文章)(b)

3. 上网搜集其他国家的风俗文化,课后小组互相交流心得。(a/b)

4. 复述文章(a)对文章大意进行了解。(b) 把文章进行复述作为今天的写作作业。(a)




一 教材依据。本课时是以环境为主题,主要围绕 penguins 现在生存状态的而展开的。让学生了解penguins的一些特性,明白了环境的重要性。二 教学原则与理念。1实行课堂教学任务化,任务生活化,评价方式过程化,以学生为主体,以话题为主线,以任务为中心。2教学设计突出学生的主体地位,尊重学生个体...


作者 刘英环。中国校外教育 理论 2008年第14期。摘要 英语阅读教学在英语教学中占有非常重要的地位。通过阅读教学,既要使学生获得信息 拓展视野,了解文章体裁及结构,又要向学生传授阅读方法,训练其阅读技巧,以培养他们良好的阅读习惯,提高阅读理解能力,同时还要让学生掌握文中重要的语言知识并进行言语技...


教学过程 teaching procedure step 1 warming up 热身 一 free talk to ask the student on duty to make a speech 二 1.revise some names of let the students speak f...