七年级 下 综合英语竞赛试卷

发布 2022-05-11 10:21:28 阅读 5579



一。 johnny dean 是一个著名的歌手,下面的对话是谈论他的外表和性格的。仔细听,选出你所听到的单词,对话读两遍。(计5分)

二。 听五组对话, 选择最佳选项回答问题。每组对话读两遍。(计5分)

6. which class is jean in?

a. class 3. b. class 6. c. class 1. d. class 5.

7. what colour is tom's shirt?

a. red. b. brown. c. black. d. white.

8. what does mike h**e?

a. a piano. b. a trumpet. c. a guitar. d. a violin.

9. where is the eraser?

a. in the pencil case. b. on the box.

c. under the cap. d. behind the door.

10. how much is the pen?

a. $5. b. $1. c. $9. d. $3.

三。.听短文, 选择最佳答案回答下列问题。短文读三遍。(计10分)

11. which picture is the photo of bob?

12. what's bob's father?

a. an english teacher. b. a football star.

c. a policemand. a basketball star.

13. what is bob good at?

a. playing football and volleyball. b. playing basketball and football.

c. playing basketball and volleyball. d. playing basketball and table tennis.

14. what's bob's f**ourite food?

15. when does bob often go to school?

a. at 5:20. b. at 6:00. c. at 6:20. d. at 5:00.




the weather was cool,so we决定)to play tennis.

like度过)the weekends with my brothers.

kind of面条)would you like?

bus is too拥挤的). we can’t get it on.

enjoy the articles in the school杂志).


are three sin our city. we can buy food, vegetables and other things from them.

be a police officer is kind of d

8. my cousin can’t ssoap operas.

9. he loves to tell j and often makes us laugh(大笑).

10. he works in a tv station. he is a r



a.英语句子的首词;数词 b.国家名称;缩略词

c.月份名词;星期名词 d.职务名词;单词i

12.. 书写上没有错误又合乎英语表达习惯的句子是。

a. yes, i am. b. this's my computer.

c. i'm in two grade. d. what's this in english?

13are all in class eight.

a. you, i and she b. i, you and she c. she, you and he d. you, she and i

14. i h**eorange coat. it is in myroom.

a. an; /b. an; the c. a; a d. the; a

15. i can see only someandon the table.

a. potato; cabbages b. juices; dumplings c. potatoes; beef d. beefs; cabbages

16. lisa is agirl. she isyears old this year.

a. good; twenty-two b. fine; twenty and two

c. nice; twenty two d. well; 22

17. these socks arebut the coats are his two

a. brad; cousin b. brad's; cousins's c. brad; cousins d. brad's; cousins'

18. my sister is only three years old. but she canstory books andtv.

a. see; see b. read; watch c. reads; watches d. see; watch

lunch at home last night.

a. hadn’t h**e h**e d. didn’t has

20.--why do you wantaction movies?

--because they’re

a. see;exciting see;exciting c. see;excited d. to see;excited

animal is very fun. she usually lives in the sea. she’s a bird, but she

can’t fly. she’s a _

a dolphin b giraffe c penguin d bingo

22.--is tim like his father

a. yes, he likes his father b. yes, he does c. no, he isn’t d. no, he isn’t like.

23they are $60.

a. how much is it? b. how old are they?

c. what're their numbers? d. how much are they?

24. —h**e a good day

a. the same to you. b. how do you do?

c. fine, thank you. d. nice to meet you, too.

25. (1) what color are they?

(2) no, they are sheep.

(3) what’re those over there? are they dogs?

(4) they’re white.


a. (1)(2)(3)(4) b. (1)(4)(3)(2) c. (3) (4)(1)(2) d. (3)(2)(1)(4)


a wolf (狼)went to a farm(农场). it ate the farmer(农场主)’s 26 . the farmer was angry(生气).

he had a gun(枪). he 27 to kill(杀死) the wolf 28 away. it saw mr bell on the way.

it asked the man for 29 .mr bell was 30 . he helped the wolf and let it hide(藏) 31 his bag.


新墩中心学校2012 2013第二学期竞赛试卷。七年级数学。一 选择题 30分 1.计算的结果是 a.0 b.1 c.2005 d.2005 2.下列运算正确的是 a.b.c.d.3.下列每组数分别是三根木棒的长度,用它们不能摆成三角形的是 a.2,2,4 b.2,2,3 c.2,2,2d.2,2,...


周庄中学2016 2017七年级下数学竞赛试卷。班级姓名得分。一选择题 每题3分,共30分 1 若每人每天浪费水0.32升,那么100万人每天浪费的水,用科学记数法表示为。a 升 b 升 c 升 d 升。2 下面是一个被墨水污染过的方程 答案显示此方程的解是,被墨水遮盖的是一个常数,则这个常数是。a...

七年级数学竞赛试卷 下

一 选择题 共6小题 共18分 1.下列说法正确的是 a.只有直线才有垂线 b.线段不存在垂线 c.射线没有垂线d.直线 射线 线段都有垂线。2.的平方根与的立方根之和为 a.b.c.或 d.或 3.命题 垂直于同一条直线的两条直线互相平行 的条件是 a.垂直 b.两条直线互相平行 c.同一条直线 ...