
发布 2022-03-06 11:10:28 阅读 3191



第二步:接听后,礼貌的问候“hello”,然后通常他会首先说他要找谁,你听到你的名字就说“this is **speaking, intech containers international”(礼节性问候,表示出亲切友好,并确认他没找错人)


你可以等他讲完一句时马上插进去说:“excuse me,who is that speaking?”他会回答你名字,你记下来。

然后问他“where are you from,please?”知道他是哪国人。

然后问他“what is the matter with you?”然后他会说关于哪方面的。

第四步:在你判断出你是否能够了解他说的,如果可以继续,如果不可以你就说"我了解您讲的,但是请你再发一封邮件确认一下“i understand what you said,but could you send an email to me to confirm,please?”然后问他是否知道邮箱地址”do you know my email address?


第五步:如果没有接收过相关邮件,问一句他是否先前有发过邮件给你“h**e you sent the email to me before?”然后注意听“yes”还是“no”(这个是方便查找,即使当时没找到,现在找到他的邮件也不迟,回复时不要忘记加上一句“thanks for your calling”)

第六步:最后要说上一句glad to speak with you,good bye!(最后是礼节性的了)


1. hello, this is lung speaking.

2. who is that speaking? where are you from?

what’s the matter with you? can i help you?

3. who are you looking for? oh, he/she is out, i’m his/her colleague.

can you call in later? or you can le**e a telephone number. i will tell/inform him/her to call you promptly as soon as/when he/she is back.

5. excuse me; i don’t understand what you h**e said. i didn’t hear clearly.

6. would you speak again please? h**e you sent me an email before?

could you send the email to me please?

7. thank you for calling. glad to speak to you.

hope i h**e helped you. you are welcome. bye-bye.


1. hello,is that **company?

2. this is intech containers international from china

3. may i speak with **

4. we are chinese manufacturer, we heard about your company **we would like to send an offer, is that suitable?

5. may i h**e your email address?

6. welcome more good suggestion. glad to speak to you, good bye!


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