
发布 2022-02-01 15:24:28 阅读 7338


一、 将下列单词填到对应的括号内。(15分)

snowy sunny music room gym rainy


)1、 a. library b. garden c. computer

)2、 class c. music class

)3、 b、first

)4b. lunch

) 6. a. jeans b. pants c. playground

) 7. a. eight b. seven c. yellow

) 8. a. garden b. blue c. teacher’s office

) 9. a. picture b. english c. music

) 10. a. computer b. dinner c. lunch



a. is b. am c. are


a. am b. is c. are

)3、the __are so big.

a. potato b. potatos c. potatoes

)4、it’s 6:00. it’s time to

b. get up c. lunch

)5、this is thereport.

a. b. weather c. music

)6about new york?

a. what’s b. how c. where

)7、what is the weather likebeijing?

a. on b. at c. in

)8、__is the art room

a. what b. how c. where

)9、is that the music room?

a. yes, it isn’t. b. no, it is. c. yes, it is

)10、look __the tomatoes.

a. for b. at c. to


1、time is what it (?

2、the is teachers’ where office (?

3、is it cold and snowy (.

4. hens are they (?

5. horses many how do you h**e (?


在铁制品表面涂上油漆或菜油,用完铁制品后擦干放在干燥的地方等。( 1、询问别人今天厦门天气怎么样,你应该说。

6、你还知道哪些环境问题?它们都对地球造成了哪些影响? a.

what’s the weather like in xiamen? b. where’s the library?

25、意大利的科学家伽利略发明了望远镜,天文学家的“第三只眼”是天文望远镜,可以分为光学望远镜和射电望远镜两种。( 2、欢迎别人来到学校参观时,你需要说:__

way,please. b. welcome to our school.


a . mum,can i go outside?

b. mum,can i h**e some soup?

答:水分和氧气是使铁容易生锈的原因。( 4、当你在**里介绍自己时,你应该说:__

13、以太阳为中心,包括围绕它转动的八大行星(包括围绕行星转动的卫星)、矮行星、小天体(包括小行星、流星、彗星等)组成的天体系统叫做太阳系。 this is mark. b.

hello. i am mark.

二、问答:( 5、当你想知道现在几点时,你应该说:__

colour is it? b. what time is it?


good morning, this is the weather report. it’s rainy in shanghai. you must take your raincoat.

it’s cold in beijing. please put on your boots. it’s snowy in harbin, we can make a snowman.

it’s sunny and warm in hong kong. you can play football. that’s all.


8、地球自转一周的时间是一天;地球公转一周的时间是一年;月球公转一周的时间是农历一个月。( 1、it’s sunny in shanghai.


( 2、it’s hot in harbin.

答:月相从新月开始,然后是峨眉月、上弦月、满月、下弦月、峨眉月。( 3、it’s rainy and warm in hong kong.

)4、we can make a snowman in harbin.

)5、this is a weather report.



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