
发布 2021-06-03 06:10:28 阅读 6731


hello! 26 name is li ying. i’m twelve.

i’m from kunming. now i’m in beijing no.14 high school.

i’m 27 class five, grade one. i’m number 4. miss gao 28 my english teacher.

she is 29 old teacher. i h**e(有) a pen, a ruler and two 30 in my pencil-box(文具盒). liu ping is in grade one, too.

she is 31 guangzhou. she is my good

32 . we are in 33 same class. now she 34 at school.

i think(认为) she is at home(在家). look(看)!that is a 35 , but it is not my book.

)26. a. ib. myc. yourd. me

)27. a. fromb. toc. notd. in

)28. a. isb. arec. amd. be

)29. a. ab. anc. goodd. /

)30. a. busesb. desksc. schoolbagsd. pencils

)31. a. inb. toc. fromd. but

)32. a. friendb. teacherc. studentd. mom

)33. a. theseb. thec. and. a

)34. a. isb. isn’tc. ared. aren’t

)35. a. eraserb. rulerc. pend. book


a)a: good morning!

b: good morning! what’s your name, please?

a: my name is kitty. and you?

b: i’m peter.

a: nice to meet you!

b: nice to meet you, too. what class are you in?

a: i’m in class 4, grade 2. what class are you in, peter?

b: i’m in class 3, grade 1.

a: how old are you?

b: i’m eleven. and how old are you?

a: i’m twelve. who is your english teacher?

b: mr. king.

a: oh. he’s my english teacher, too.


)36. kitty is in class 4, grade 1.

)37. peter is 11.

)38. their (他们的) english teacher is mr. king.

)39. peter and kitty are in the same grade.

)40. peter and kitty are old friends.

b) )41. gao ming is from __

a. the b. japanc. chinad. canada

)42. martin is __

a. chinese(中国人) b. japanese(日本人) c. american(美国人) d. english

)43. is zhong nan from china?

a. no, he is. b. no, he isn’t. c. yes, he isd. yes, it is.

)44. how old is zhong nan?

a. 8876-5342 b. 13c. 28d. 40

)45. his telephone number is 5673-6981. who is he?

a. he is martin. b. he is zhong nan. c. he is gao ming. d. he is 40.

c)look at (看) li ming. he is from guangzhou. he is thirteen years old.

now he is in guangzhou yuying junior high school. he is in class five, grade eight. his telephone number is (020)7868-9688.

li ming and sally are friends. they are in the same class, but not the same age. she is twelve.

she’s from canada. now sally and her mom are in the same school. her mom is a good teacher.

li ming and sally are good friends.

根据短文内容, 回答下列问题。

46. where is sally from?

47. is sally thirteen years old?

48. how old is li ming?

49. are li ming and sally good friends?

50. where are li ming and sally now?


1. 假如你是wang ming,根据自己的实际情况完成**。

2. 根据**的信息用英语写一段话, 介绍你和你的朋友lily的情况。不少于50词。

my name is wang ming. i am from beijing. i’m twelve years old.

i am in class three, grade seven. my telephone number is(010)8756-4321. lily is my good friend.

she is from england. she is eleven years old. she is in class four, grade seven.

her telephone number is (010)8769-5419.


.26. b 本空考查形容词性物主代词, 其后必须接名词, 空格后有名词name所以排除a、d,由后面的句子i’m twelve可知此句应是指我的,故选b。

27. d 本空考查介词。在某班级要用介词in, 故选d。

28. a 本空考查be动词与人称的搭配。miss gao是第三人称单数, 故选a。

29. b 本空考查冠词。old是以元音音素开头的单词, 故选b。

30. d 本空考查单词。buses“公共汽车”; desks“课桌”; schoolbags“书包”; pencils“铅笔”,根据in my pencil-box“在我的铅笔盒里”, 可选d。

31. c 本空考查推理。根据“我在北京14中学一年级5班”以及“我们在同一个班”,说明刘萍现在不在广州, 只能是来自广州, 故选c。

32. a 本空考查推理。friend“朋友”; teacher“教师”; student“学生”; mom“妈妈”,根据上文“刘萍也在一年级”及下文“我们在同一个班”, 故选a。

33. b 本空考查固定搭配。same与the连用, the same class意思是“同一个班”,故选b。

34. b 本空考查上下文推理。根据下文“我认为她在家里”, 推断“她今天不在学校”, 所以排除a、c, 又因主语是she, 故选b。

35. d 本空考查上下文推理,根据下文“但是它不是我的书”推出上文应该为“看!那儿有本书”, 故选d。

.(a)36. f 本题考查对话理解。根据对话可知 “a是kitty, b是peter”, 由a所说的i’m in class 4, grade 2. 可判断为f。

37. t 由对话i’m eleven.可知“peter是11岁”, 故判断为t。

38. t 由对话最后三句可知“mr. king是他们的英语教师”, 故判断为t。

39. f 根据对话可知“kitty是在二年级, peter是在一年级”, 故判断为f。


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