
发布 2021-05-26 07:50:28 阅读 8926








) 1. theirs

) 2. a. must b. nextc. street

) 3. a. endb. sendc. head

) 4. a. monday b. sundayc. saturday

) 5. a. picture b. placec. party


) 1. a. may i use your pen ?

i borrow your pencil?

) 2. a . how do you do?

b. what do you do?

) 3. a. i s this dog yours?

b. i s that your bag?

) 4. a. it’s time for school.

b. it’s time for breakfast.

) 5. a. how many pupils are there in your class?

b. how many people are there in your family?


) look at the sign.

) it’s six forty-five.

( )go down this street.

) it’s friday today.

) this is miss white.

) what’s in the tree?

) the zoo is on the right.

) what’s the time?

) whose book is this ?

( )do you h**e english lessons on wednesday?


1、what’s thewith you ?

my head

2、whose dog is this ?

no ,it’s not

3do you work?

i work in the street.

4、could you help me ,please?

5、this is thefor us .

we can eat two and afor one pound.

6、 can you help me clean the room ?

no , it’s notjob.

you are smith?

yes , i’m the



1) 英汉互译。 (10分)

)1. 墙。

) 2. 灯right b. light

) 3. 小时。

) 4. 星期四thursday

) 5. 早餐morning b. breakfast

) 6. tell高的 b、告诉。

) 7. evening a. 游泳晚上。

) 8. saturday a.星期六 b. 星期日。

) 9. answer a. 回答 b .等待。

)10. thin瘦的。薄的 b、思考。


) 1. s__nd (派。送) a. a b. e c. i

) 2 .pl__ce(地点) a. a b. e c. u

) 3. _ch (每一a. whi b. ea c. e

) 4. h__d (努力的) b. o c. ar

) 5. sp__k (说) a. ae

) 6. w__t (等待)

) 7. ca__y (背。运。扛) a. rr

) 8. th__ty (三十) c. irs

) 9. t__n (转弯) b. ar c. ur

)10. l___rn (学习)








) 1. 我可以问你一个问题吗?

a. may i h**e your number? b. may i ask you a question?

) 2. 你不能向右转弯。

a. you can’t turn left. b. you mustn’t turn right.

) 3. 打扰一下, 请问,这儿附近有动物园吗?

a. excuse me, is there a zoo near here?

b. sorry, is there a zoo near here?

) 4. 这只猫是她的吗?

a. is this cat hers? b. is this hers cat?

) 5. 我在一家医院工作。

a. i work in a hospital. b. i work in a post office.

) 6. 现在是七点三十五分。

a. it’s six forty-five. b. it’s seven thirty-five.

) 7. 在星期二,我们有两节英语课。

a. we h**e two english lessons on tuesday.

b. we h**e three english lessons on thursday.

) 8. 你的农场上有多少头猪?

a. how many pigs are there on your farm?

b. how many dogs are there on the farm?

) 9. 你**不舒服?

are you the matter with you ?


a. it’s time to go schoolb. it’s time for school!


) 1. may i use your ruler? a. that’s ok.

) 2. what do you do? b. yes , it is.

) 3. who’s thatc. there are some pigs.

) 4. how many pupils can you see?` d. good evening.


小学五年级语文期末测试卷。出题人 李雪梅。单位 诸葛镇梁村小学。类型 改编题。出处 近两年镇统考期末测试卷。小学语文五年级下学期期末测试题。一 看拼音,写词语。10分 ji y o x n k ng k i s hu qi o cu p n s n zh n y n zh m qi r o p b ...

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