
发布 2020-04-11 07:20:28 阅读 2406


讲义编号: 20140301

知识归纳:一词汇 get up 起床morning 早上。

do morning exercise晨练noon 中午

h**e english class上英语课time afternoon 下午。

play sports 进行体育活动evening 晚上。

activities climb mountains 爬山时间) night 夜晚。

(活动) go shopping 购物when 什么时候。

play the piano 弹钢琴。

visit grandparents 看望(外)祖父母 always 总是

go hiking 去远足usually 通常。

eat breakfast 吃早饭频率词 often 经常。

eat dinner 吃晚饭sometimes 有时。

seldom 很少。

never 从不。

二句型:1. 询问某人的生活,学习规律。

---when do you …?你什么时间… …

---i usually(频率词) …at … 我通常在…… 点钟) …干什么事).

---when do you get up every day ? 你每天几点钟起床?

---i usually get up at 6 o’clock. sometimes i get up at 6:20.




2. 介绍自己的生活,学习习惯。

every weekend i climb mountains. 我每个周末都爬山。

i go to work at 9:00 in the evening. i go home at 5:00 in the morning.

我晚上9:00 去上班。 早上5:00回家。

3. 询问某人的生活,学习等习惯。

---what do you do on the weekend? 周末你做什么?

---i (频率词)… 我… …

what do you do on the weekend? 你周末做什么?

i often play football. sometimes i go hiking. 我经常踢足球,有时去远足。



4. 询问某人的职业。

---what do you do ? 您的职业是什么?

---i am …



5. thank you for telling me about your day! 谢谢您告诉我您一天安排。

6. let’s + ving . 让我们… …

let’s go hiking together next sunday. 下周让我们一起去远足吧。

let’s watch tv together. 让我们一起看电视。



1. miss green can speak c

2. we often visit our gon sundays.

3. in the morning, the students do meat school.

4. what do you do on wafternoon?

5. wdo you psi usually do that at 7:30.

6. w___do you do on saturdays? i ugo swimming. si cm

7. what do you do on the wi oplay the computer games.

8. when do you eat bin the morning.


9. does shework) in a school?

10. shenot can ) sing and dance.

11. theynot like ) the milk.

12. let’sgo ) andaskthey).

13. when do youstudy)?

14be ) your parents workers?

15. thank you forgive) me a book.

16. mr. li oftenhelp ) the students.

选词填空。17. a: do youa seven in the morning?

b: yes, i go to work by bike.

18. it’s ten o’clock now. please

19. we oftenat twelve at noon.

20. the studentsat five in the afternoon.


i get up at 6:00 in the morning.

usually i watch tv and go shopping. sometimes i go hiking on the weekend.

i am a student.

he is a policeman.



一: 根据答句写问句。

i usually go to bed at 9:50

no, they read books every day.

yes, i play computer in the evening.

no, i h**e breakfast at 7:20.

i do homework at school.

i go to school at 7:45 in the morning.

no, i don’t like monday.

i usually play the piano on the weekend.

二: 补全对话。

sarahon the weekend?


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