
发布 2021-05-22 05:03:28 阅读 1930

project 2a puppet show

the first period复习unit 1---unit 4


a shirt, a skirt, a t-shirt, a jacket,a cap, a sweater, a coat, a dress,a blouse

2.复习八个颜色类单词yellow, red,brown, black, white,blue, green, orange

3.复习句型look at…及其回答it’s nice./how nice!

/it’s great./great!4.

复习句型:what colour is…?及其回答it’s…5.

拓展look,this is/that’s…的句型。

6.熟练表演《nice clothes》《who is wearing yellow today?》教学重难点:


3.复习句型look at…及其回答it’s nice./how nice!


复习句型:what colouris…?及其回答it’s…

5.拓展look,this is…的句型。


the songs and say rhymes

a.表演书上的《nice clothes》《who is wearing yellow today?》b.利用所学单词造rhyme和songstep2. while-readingpre-taskfree talk :


t:hello, i like monkeys. what do you like ? s: i like…

t: doyou like…?s:

yes, i do. /no, i don’t. i like…t:

i can see a …what can you see?s: i can see…


t: what colour is it?s:it’s…while-task: eyes

t:let’s play a game.快速闪现的可以是**,再到单词,词组,最后加大难度,闪现句子。b.句型复习。

复习look at… it’s nice./how nice!/great!

/it’s look at… it’s nice./how nice!/great!

/it’s great.注意当别人夸奖你了,不要忘记说thank you(谢谢你)it’s =it is

拓展look, this is a…




(还可以用big ,small, bright等等)t(出示句型): look, this is a…(2)复习what colour is…? it’s…出示第六单元课文对话。

colour ,颜色。在这一单元我们会学到八种颜色,所以colour后需要加s,表示复数形式。

orange还是一种水果的名称,橘子,一只橘子就是anorange。出示词组:an orange orangered and yellow,红黄相间。post-task

1.出示场景:clothing shopt:let’s go to the clothing shop .

look, this is a …/look at this…ss:it’s nice./how nice!

/great!/it’s what colour is this …?s:

it’s…让学生挑选服饰来说出示场景fruit shop/toy shop等等step3 consolidation

a.t在投影仪上展示老师画的puppet,演示给学生看第一步应该怎么做。b.talk about your puppet

t:look! is this a boy or a girl?s: a girl.

t: can you ask her name?s: hi, what’s your name?puppet(ppt):my name is meimei

t: what is she wearing ?s:

a jacket and a skirtt:what colour is the jacket ?s:

it’s what colour is the skirt ?s: it’s it’s your turn .


d.say something about your puppet.

my puppet’s name is …she is wearing a … and….

hello, i’m… look at my … it’s …ih**e big/small eyes/ears.作业设计1.默写所学字母;2.制作project中的道具。

the second period复习unit 5---unit 8


2.复习would you like…?/what about…?以及应答语yes, please.和no , thank you.明白如何征询别人的意见。

3.复习句型what’s this/that?,并会用it’s a来回答。

is for you./it’s for you.来相互赠与礼物5.

熟练表演《for you and me》《happy new year》教学重难点:


ppt,p67的心形图教学时间:40分钟教学过程:step1 warm

the songs and say rhymes

happy new year !merry christmasfor you and meat a snack bar


my lovely dollstep2 activitiesactivity 1

1.出示wang bing:

t:who’s he?s: he’s wang is wang bing’s birthday.

出示题目:project 2 wang bing’s birthday

t:wang bing would like toh**e a birthday .let’sbuy some nice food.

场景:买生日聚会用的食物2. t:look! this is a snack bar.

想要进snack bar必须说通关密语:say a rhyme about food(说一个关于食物的小诗)

3. t: what can you see?

s: i can see a/some…营业员(ppt):canihelp?

s:i’dlikea …,please./a …,please

营业员1(ppt):here you thank you.学生之间扮作营业员和wang bing.

如果你是wang bing ,你会买哪些聚会要用的食物。

activity 2场景:朋友:su hai yang ling helen and mike买礼物a toyshop

1.进入toy shop的通关密语:唱一首有关玩具的歌my lovely doll2.复习toy类的单词。


3.营业员2(ppt):wouldyou like a/some…,please?s:yes,please./no,thank you.

营业员2(ppt):what about a /some…s: yes, please.

营业员2(ppt):here you thank 场景:wang bing的生日聚会,送礼物 bing的朋友们送礼物时可以说什么?

2.让学生扮演不同的角色来送礼物,老师扮 birthday to you!(师生同唱)


it’s time to h**e a eight in the at the brightlook at the it’s small/bright.

it’stime to say s song---goodbyestep 3 consolidation

第七八单元知识回顾;2.完成补充习题project 2.作业设计。



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XX年三年级上册英语Project2教案 苏教版

版 project2apuppetsho教学内容。牛津小学英语3aproject2apuppetsho教学目标。能听懂 会说第5 8单元的服装类 颜色类 食物类及日常用品类的词汇。能听懂 会读 会和同伴用第5 8单元所学的日常交际用语交流。知道在不同的场合如何运用恰当正确的语句交流。能看懂书上a部分...