
发布 2021-05-22 03:17:28 阅读 2632


unit5 can you come to my party?










1. can you come to my party on saturday afternoon? sure, i’d love to.

2. may i ask you some questions? sure. /of course. /certainly

3. i would love to go to your party

4. she isn’t very well these days and has to stay home

5. we can learn what we did not know

6. thank you for inviting me. =thanks for asking (h**ing, inviting

7. maybe another time

8. can she go to the movies? no, she can’t. she’s playing soccer

9. read these dialogues and find out about another kind of football

10. she and i are both students.






课题:unit5 can you come to my party section a 1a-2c

一. 教学目标:

知识与能力: the words and phrases.

2. master the important sentences.

过程与方法:自主学习、groupwork. 听力训练。




(一)、预习任务: task 1:写出下列短语。



task 2.

1.__you___your aunt this afternoon?

2. i h**e to __for my math test.

3. thank you for __me so many question.

4. with __are you playing soccer after school?

you __me a glass of water?

task 3. 将下列句子汉译英。

1. 星期三她能来参加我的聚会吗?

2. 很抱歉,她不能。她有太多的家庭作业要做。

3. 你能来参加棒球比赛吗?当然,我愿意。

4. 那太糟糕了,可能下次吧。


1.--what are you going to do this weekend? —i’d like __my parents.

a. to visit b. visit c. visiting

2. —she has a headache. she can’t attend the meeting

a. it doesn’t matter. b. it sounds wonderful. c. i’m sorry to hear that.

3. —i’m sorry, i can’t go to the movies with you.

— oh, that’s too bad. maybe __time.

a. the other b. other c. another

4. can she __my house ,ann?

a. come b. come over c. come over to

预习反思:do you h**e any question

四.teaching steps:

step 1. warming-upstep 2. lead in

step 3. listening practice step 4. groupwork

step 5.精讲点拨:

can you come to my party?你能来参加我的聚会吗?

当我们询问对方能否干什么时,可用“can you ….这一句型,可在句尾加please, 表示说话人礼貌的请求。这一问句和:

”are you wang ling?” 属于同一句型,都叫一般疑问句。它们都可以用yes或no来回答,但对”can you….

”问句的否定回答一般用sorry代替no, 以示礼貌,肯定回答常用sure, i’d love to.等。

eg: can you help me my english ?

sorry, i can’t. i’m too busy./sure, i’d love to.

step 6.拓展延伸:

---can you go to the science museum with me tomorrow?

but i h**e to study for my chemistry test.

a. i’d love to b. never mind c. it’s nothing.


1.——hey, d**id. can you go to the movies with me

a. sure, i’d love to. b. no, i can’t c. i h**e to help my mom.

d. i am busy.

2. they went to tokyo___june 30. a. at b. in c. on d. of

3. i h**e too much homework___every day.

a. do b. to do c. am doing d. doing

4. -my brother is in hospital. -i am sorry___that.

a. hear b. hearing c. heard d. to hear

5. -lisa,__you speak english? -yes, but only a little.

a. need b . must c. may d. can

句型转换:6. can you come to my party?(否定回答)

7. thank you for your help.(改为同义句)

thank you for

has a piano lesson at 5 (划线提问)

you studying for?

9. i am studying for my test.

you studying for?

10. can you go to the mall with me?

___you like __go to the mall with me?



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