八年级上英语1 5单元期中作文

发布 2021-08-05 08:07:28 阅读 1651


1 假如你是王燕,你在某英语论坛上看到大家正在讨论自己生活的城镇,你也想参与。请你根据以下的提示,描述一下你的小镇。

i live in a small town. there is a movie theater , four restaurants and a park in town. i enjoy watching movies and i go to the movie theater once a week.

greenwood restaurant is the best restaurant. it has the most delicious food. linda’s restaurant is the worst, because it has the worst service.

the park is my f**orite place. i often read books there on sundays. there is also a shopping center in town.

clothes there are cheap and beautiful. i like my town.

假如你是刘瑞,你收到加拿大笔友d**e 的来信。在心中他坦言自己不爱运动。请你根据以下提示,给他发一封邮件,讲述运动的好处并鼓励他多做运动。

提示:1 how often do you do sports?

2 what are the benefits(好处) of doing sports?

dear d**e,

i like doing sports. my f**orite sport is basketball. i play basketball three times a week.

i also like swimming. i run for thirty minutes every morning.

doing sports is good for us in many ways. first, it is healthy for our body and mind. we can enjoy life if we h**e a healthy body.

second, some sports are fun and help us relax. third, we can make some friends when doing sports.

now, choose some easy sports and h**e fun.

yours,liu rui


1 描述一下这种现象。

2 写出人们对这种现象看法。

3 阐述你的观点。

the talent shows become more and more popular. lots of young people join the shows. but different people h**e different ideas about the shows.

some people think the shows are interesting and they are fun to watch. people who are really talented can join the shows to make dreams come true. others dislike the shows.

because they think the shows are made up. and some shows may employ professional audiences.

i think it’s interesting to watch talent shows. they give people a way to show their talents.

we can’t take these things too seriously. just watch them and relax.


范文:根据**中的信息续写作文。要求:词数60-80. 文中不得出现个人信息。

i love my mother and my english teacher very much. in some ways they are the same, and in some ways they are different. they both h**e long straight hair.

and they’re both friendly and outgoing. my mother likes singing and dancing, and my english teacher likes them, too. as for the differences, my mother is tall, but my english teacher is short.

my english teacher is funnier than my mother. i love her class very much. about the hobby, my mother likes playing pingpong and my english teacher likes to go swinning.


my best friend and i

my best friend is linda. in some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look different. we both h**e black hair and black eyes.

she is taller and quieter than i. and she is serious. i am more outgoing, and i’m funnier than her.

we both like reading books.


unit 1 关于某人的生活习惯 1.第一句总起,说明某个人有个良好 或不好 的生活习惯。i h e a pretty healthy lifestyle.2.每一个习惯后,能尽量补充说明一些东西,如理由等。i eat a lot of vegetables everyday,because the...


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unit 2 what s the matter?复习目标 掌握身体各部位名称的英文表达方式。能表述身体的种种不适以及对他人身体的种种不适给予适当的建议。语言目标 what s the matter?i h e a headache.you should drink some tea.the sou...