
发布 2021-05-20 01:47:28 阅读 2697



典例精析】1.(2023年全国卷i,22) —what fruit is in season now?

grapes and peaches, _

a. i knowb. i thinkc. i see d. i feel


2.(2023年安徽卷,34)——good evening. huangshan hotel.

———good evening

a. do you still h**e a room for tonight b. what would you like, please

c. is there anything i can do for you d. who is that speaking, please

3.(2023年四川卷,5)——let’s go for a walk in the garden.

but i need to do the washing—up.

a. no,thank you b. that’s right c. good idea d. not at all


4.(09福建)–bruce, i really appreciate your handwriting.

a. i practice every dayb. thank you very much

c. no, i don’t think sod. well, it’s not good enough

解析】b 考查交际用语。前一句表示赞扬,应答句应表示感谢,故选b。

5.(09江西)--thank you for your mp4 player. i’ll get mary to take it to you soon.

i’ve bought a new one.

a. no sense b. no hurry c. no way d. no use

解析】b 考查交际用语。由“我已经买了一个”,便知是no hurry, 不着急。

7.(09海南)-it looks he**y. can i give you a hand?

a. no, thanks b. yes, my pleasure c. no, never mind d. yes, i do

解析】a。 情景交际。从对话上文可知是回答对方的请求帮助。no, thanks 与上文呼应。

8.(09山东)--john and i will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.

---oha. cheer up b. well done c. go ahead d. congratulations

解析】d 交际用语中单词(短语)的区别,根据题意可知:这儿应用一个表示祝贺的词(短语)。故选d。

9.(09山东)--poor steve! i could hardly recognize him just now!

he has changed so much.

a. never mind b. no problem c. not at all d. me neither

解析】d 交际用语,me neither,在这儿相当于neither could me.我也没认出来。

10.(09陕西)—my mother is preparing my f**orite dishes. go with me and h**e a taste, okay?

and i’ll be glad to meet your parents.

a. i think so b. i’d love to c. i’m sure d. i hope so

解析】b 情景对话。前文问句表示提出建议,根据应答句的后一分句可知应答句选b,意思是:我乐意。

11.(09陕西)—h**e you finished your first *****

just half of it. how about you?

a. not at all b. not likely c. not a bitd. not yet

解析】d 交际用语。not at all:一点也不,根本不;not likely:不可能;not a bit:非常,乐意做的”。

13.(09山东)--shall we h**e our picnic tomorrow?

it doesn’t rain.

a. untilb. whilec. onced. if

解析】d 交际用语,意思是:如果明天不下雨的话。


注重礼貌和合作优先原则;3. 利用有效的语境因素;4.注意语言的衔接;5.




最典型的例子是with pleasure和it’s a pleasure。前者一般在事前回答 ,表示“非常愿意”。后者一般在事后回答,表示“不用客气”。

1.—it’s getting late. i’m afraid i must be going now.

oka. take it easy. b. go slowly. c. stay longer. d. see you.

2.— oh dear! i’ve just broken a window.

it can’t be helped.

a. never mind b. all right c. that’s fine d. not at all

a. how comeb. take your time. c. yes, go on. d. yes, help yourself.

5.— can i speak to mr. wang, please?

a. who are you? b. i’m wang. c. speaking. d. are you john?

6.— i’m thinking of the test tomorrow. i’m afraid i can’t pass this time.

i’m sure you’ll make it.

a. go aheadb. good luck c. no problem d. cheer up

7.—excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bank is, please?

___oh yes! it’s past the office, next to a big market.

a. mm, let me thinkb. oh, i beg your pardon?

c. you’re welcomed. what do you mean?

8.— would you like some more soup?

it is delicious, but i’ve had enough.

a. yes, please b. no, thank you c. nothing more d. i’d like some

9.—we h**e booked a room for today and tomorrow.


a. i’m sureb. my pleasure c. it’s all right d. i’ll check

10.—h**e you been wasting time on computer games again?

i’ve been studying a lot and i need a break.

a.no wayb.not really

c.i don’t agreed.i couldn’t agree more

11.—i apologize for not being able to join you for dinner.

we’ll get together later.


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