
发布 2021-05-20 01:43:28 阅读 1673


unit 1 friendship



学习重点:① upset ② ignore③ calm ④ concern ⑤settle ⑥ suffer ⑦ recover

⑧ go through ⑨ in order to为重点掌握词汇;

学习难点:① upset ② ignore③ calm ④ concern

学习过程:一、 自主学习。

一) 学习检测。


1)fill in the blanks and match the english meaning.

2) 词汇短语集中营:

upset: adj. 心烦意乱的,不安的 vt.使不安,使心烦。

upset sb. 使某人心烦意乱 upset sth. 打翻某物。

upset oneself abut sth. 使某人自己为某事烦恼。

be upset about/over/at sth. .为某事烦心。

upset a plan 打乱计划。

eg. she is really upset about losing the money when buying clothes.(心烦)

don’ upset yourself about it.(你别为这事烦恼了)

the rain upset out plan for a picnic.(打乱计划)

ignore vt. 不理睬,忽视

ignorance n.无知,愚昧 ignorant adj 无知的,愚昧的。

ignore sb/sth. 不理睬某人、某物。

be in ignorance of/about sth. 不知道某事。

be ignorant of/about sth.. 不知道某事。

eg. if you ignore your diet, trouble will follow.(忽略)

he’s completely ignorant about modern technology.(一无所知)

calm vt/vi 使平静,使镇定 adj..(气候,海洋)风平浪静的,(人)从容镇静的。

calm down 平静下来,镇定下来。

eg. he took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.(镇定)

quiet 安静,无动静silent 寂静无声的,沉默不语的。

still 保持静止不动的,没有动作 be quiet, please!

the house is empty and silent.

a silent man likes to stay in a silent place.

keep still! let’s take a photo!

concern vt 担忧,涉及 n.担心,关注。

be concerned about. 对……担心关心。

be concerned with . 和……有关,牵连。

be concerned in . 涉及,参与。

as far as sb is concerned 就某人而言,在某人看来。


eg. we are rather concerned about father’s health.(关心)

i am not concerned with that matter any longer.(我和那件事再也没有关系了)

as far as i am concerned, i like to work in shanghai.(在我看来)

settle vi. 安家定居停留vt. 使定居,安排,解决 settlement n. 定居, 定居点。

settle down 定居下来,稳定下来 settle down to do 开始认真对待……

settle in 适应(新环境等)

eg. the question will be settled tonight.(解决)

i h**en’t yet settled in my new job. (适应)

suffer vt/vi.

suffer vt. +loss / pain/ punishment / hardship/ grief/ hunger/ defeat


suffer from vi 1)患……病 2)遭受……苦难。

eg. the army suffered he**y losses.(遭受损失)

she suffers from headaches.(头痛)

she suffered the loss of her pupils’ respect.(失去学生对她的尊重)

recover vi. 痊愈,恢复,重新获得 recovery n. 恢复,复原。

recover from 从……中恢复过来make a recovery from. 恢复。

eg. she seems to be recovering from her illness.(恢复)

the economy is beginning to recover.(复苏)

ann made a quick recovery from her operation.(快速恢复)

in order to do 句首、句中 ( in order not to do)为了-目的状语。

so as to do 句中 (so as not to do) 为了-目的状语。

in order that—“以便于”目的状语从句。

so that --以便于” 目的状语从句。


eg. she arrived early in order to/ so as to get a good seat.

in order to get a good seat, she arrived early.

she works hard so that/ in order that he could keep up with his classmates.

it was so hot that i can’t bear it.

go through 1)经历,经受2)完成,做完3)通过,批准4)仔细察看。

get through 1)通过,穿过2)(工作)完成3)(测验)合格4)接通**。

look through 浏览,透过……看 go against违背。

go without 没有……也行,将就 go in for 赞成, 参加,支持。

go about 着手做,承担。


词语辨析: ①go through/ get throughbe concerned about/with/in

calm/ quiet/ silent/ still

一) 活学活用:

the poor girl has gone through such a lot since her parents died.(经历)

the law has gone through parliament.(通过)

i always start the day by going through my e-mail.(浏览)

she went against her father.(违背)

if i were you, i wouldn't go without saying goodbye.(如果我是你,我不会不道别就走)

many people went in for writing, music, dramatics and similar activities (参与,从事)⑦let's go about our business.(咱们来干自己的事吧)




--so you didn’t say “hello” to him last night?

-- well, i stopped and smiled when i saw him, but he___me and walked on..

a. ignored b. refused c. denied d. missed

答案: a he was always __the poor and the sick, often providing them with free medical care.

a. tended by b. absorbed in c. concerned about d. reminded of

答案:cthey ‘ve decided to h**e another discussiontheir methods of work.

初三总复习学案1 总指引与阅读

复习总指引与阅读训练 一 目标与策略。学习目标 1.示范正确音标发音,帮助学员掌握发音技巧 2.请学员 分享个人记忆单词的经验,示范老师记忆单词的方法 3.掌握阅读过程中的 同义重复 技巧,帮助学员提高答案正确率。学习策略 1.通过正音给学员将来的单词记忆 听力及口语考试做基本的铺垫,并在未来学习过...


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必修一 units1 5 词形转换。一 单词词形变unit1 1.concern vadj 关心的,有关的。2.entire adjadv 完全地。3 suffer vn 痛苦,苦难。积满灰尘的。不喜欢,讨厌。孤独。不同意。定居者n.定居。恢复,复原。强大的。nvt.建议,劝告。vn 交际,沟通。v...