
发布 2021-05-18 03:21:28 阅读 3039

unit 1 词组汇总(根据中文写英文)

1. 对某人友好be good tosb

2. 把你的分数加起来add upyour score

合计为add up to

把…加到…上add … to…

增加了add to

3. 使…被做get sth done

4. 镇定下来calm down

5. 不得不h**e got to

6. 关心;挂念be concerned about/for

与…有关 be concerned with

就我而言(我觉得)as far as i am concerned, …

i hold the point of view that…


7. 遛狗walk the dog

8. 考试作弊cheat in the exam

9. 本应该努力学习should h**e studied

10. 列出make a list of

11. 某人碰巧做某事

sb happens to do sth / it happens that …

12. 经历;仔细检查;浏览;用完go through

浏览;从…看出去look through

13. 躲藏;隐藏hide away

14. 记下一系列流水帐set downa series of facts

15. 对…着迷be/grow crazy about

16. 故意醒着stay awake on purpose

偶然by accident/chance

为了做某事 with the purpose of

17. 为了(不)in order (not) to/ so as (not) to

18. 面对面地face to face

19. 按照;根据…所说according to

20. 与…相处;进展get along with

21. 收拾,打理行装pack up

22. 爱上某人fall in love with sb

23. 参加(活动)join in

入团join the league


join sb in skiing/ the discussion

24. 无知的be ignorant of

25. (不)敢做dare (not) do

dare to do/ don’t dare (to) do

26. 不再no longer = not any longer

27. 定居;舒适地坐下;安静下来settle down

28. 遭受寒冷与饥饿suffer from cold and hunger

遭受痛苦、损失suffer pain/loss

29. 对…感到厌烦 be/get tired of

因…感到疲倦 be/get tired from/with

30. 不同意某人的观点disagree with sb

31. 感激某人be grateful to sb

32. 让…一人呆着;别管… le**e … alone

33. 在附近;即将到来 around the corner

34. 结果 as a result

35. 捡起pick up 挑选出pick out

36. 收到某人来信hear from sb

37. 以…告终end up with

38. 压死一只狗run over a dog

39. 发出光和热give off light and heat

40. 让某人感到高兴 to one’s joy/happiness

41. 在森林里迷路get lost in the woods

42 一只孤独的笼中鸟 a lonely bird in the cage

43. 宁可做a不要做b would rather do a than do b

44. 曾经有一段…的时间 there was a time when …

45. 那是第一次某人做某事。

it was/is the first time that sb had/has done sth.

46. 熟能生巧。practice makes perfect.

47. 据报道,….it’s reported that…

48. 过多久才…? how long will it be before…?

49. 当谈及…时 when it comes to…

50. 做某事没意思。it’s no pleasure doing sth.


unit1 words1.文化的2.稀罕的 稀有的3.贵重的 有价值的4.幸免于 幸存 生还5.朝代 王朝6.使吃惊 惊讶7.令人吃惊的8.挑选 选择9.设计 图案 计划10.想象 奇特的 异样的11.风格 风度 类型12.装饰 装修13.珠宝 宝石14.艺术家。14.属于 为 的一员15.接待 招...


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