
发布 2021-05-18 03:24:28 阅读 1847

初二词组卷 8b unit 1

1. 某人过去常常做某事sb. used to do sth.

2. 习惯、适应某事be/get used to sth.

习惯做某事be/get used to doing sth.

3. 过去常和我分享食物you used to share food with me.

4. 你过去对我那么好you used to be so kind to me.

5. 花了很长时间等待下一班。 it took a long time to wait for the next one.

6. 非常了解阳光镇know sunshine town very well

7. 自从我出生以来since i was born

8. 搬家/搬走move house/move away

9. 在镇的北部(2in the north of town=in the northern part of town

10. 和某人结婚(2marry sb.= be/get married to sb.

11. 你结婚多长时间了how long h**e you been married?

12. 搬到两街区远的地方move two blocks away

13. 自那以来since then(现完)

14. 这几年中over the years(现完)

15. **已经把部分镇中心变成了一个新公园。

the government has turned part of the town centre into a new park.

16. 水污染water pollution

17. 一家钢铁厂a steel factory

18. 把废料排放到河里put the waste into the river

19. 意识到这个问题realize the problem

20. 采取措施改善这种情况take action to improve the situation

21. 比以前干净的多be much cleaner than before

22. 在某种程度上生活变得越来越好。

in some ways, life is getting better and better.

23. 它已经变成一个漂亮的现代化城镇。it has become a beautiful modern town.

24. 我的大部分老朋友most of my old friends

25. 像以前那样经常as often as before

26. 过去常常一起打牌和下中国象棋。

used to play cards and chinese chess together

27. 偶尔感到有点孤独feel a bit lonely from time to time

28. 看见令人惊喜的变化see the amazing changes

29. 在这几年中,我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。(3)

my hometown has changed a lot over the years.

great changes h**e taken place in my hometown over the years.

there h**e been many changes in my hometown over the years.

30. 他一辈子都住在这he has lived here all his life.

他们一辈子都住在这they h**e lived here all their lives.

31. 在上个世纪over the past century

32. 修理了10多辆自行车repair over ten bicycles

33. 保护环境protect the environment

34. 生活条件living conditions

35. 一个新的火车站a new railway station

36. 搬进新公寓move into new flats

37. 从美国回来return from the usa

38. 返回某地(2return to sp.=go back to sp.

返回家(2return home= go back home

39. 出国go abroad

40. 在小学at primary school

41. 你们上次见面是什么时候? when did you last see each other

42. 相互保持联系keep/stay in touch with each other

43. 通过邮件交流communicate by email

44. 使交流容易得多make communication much easier

45. 青山环绕there are green trees all around.

46. 快速适应生活的变化get used to the changes of life quickly

47. 窄而脏的道路narrow and dirty roads

48. 宽阔而干净的街道wide and clean streets

49. 在这些开阔的空地上in these open spaces

50. 人们正过着舒适/幸福的生活。 people are enjoying a comfortable/happy life.

51. 听说过这个人hear of/about the man

52. 到处是垃圾there was rubbish everywhere.

53. 道路两边路数成荫with many green trees on both sides

54. 在他们的空闲时间in their free time

55. 乘公交车或打的出行go around by bus or taxi

56. 步行环游小镇tr**el around the town on foot

57. 这是我曾经所看过的最有趣的电影。

this is the most interesting film i h**e ever seen.

58. 他从来没有参观过中国,是吗? he has never visited china, has he?

59. 到目前为止so far (现完)

60. 在过去的30年里over/in the past thirty years(现完)

61.自我来到南京以来已经10年了。 it is ten years since i came to nanjing.

62. 他还没有把那本书还给我。 he hasn’t returned that book to me yet.

63. 这本书我已经读了两次/许多次。 i h**e read the book twice/many times.

64. for的用法for+ 时间段

since的用法 (4a. since+时间点 b. since+时间段+ago

c. since+ 从句(过去时) d. it is/has been +时间段 since+ 从句(过去时)

句型转换。a. they h**e finished their homework already. ***否定句和一般疑问句)


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