
发布 2021-05-19 19:54:28 阅读 3724

必修一 units1-5 词形转换。


1. concern(vadj) 关心的,有关的。

2. entire (adjadv)完全地。

3 suffer(vn)痛苦,苦难。




定居者n.) 定居。


强大的。(nvt.) 建议,劝告。

(vn) 交际,沟通。

(vt.) 忽视n) 无知。

14. nature (n.) 自然adj.) 自然的。

二、短语。be good to … 对….友好

add up … 合计。

another time 改时间

get sth done 使…被做。

calm down 镇定下来

h**e got to do … 不得不。

be concerned about… 关心…;挂念…

walk the dog 遛狗。

make a list of … 列出

share sth with sb 和某人分享某物。

go through … 经历;仔细检查

hide away… 躲藏;隐藏。

set down… 放下;记下

a series of …一系列;一套。

be crazy about … 对…着迷

on purpose 故意。

in order to/ so as to… 为了

face to face 面对面地。

according to … 按照;根据…所说

get along with… 与…相处。

pack up… 收拾,打理行装

h**e trouble with sb/sth做…有困难。

fall in love with … 相爱

throw away 放弃/终止。

try out… 试验;试用

join in 参加(活动)

communicate with sb 和…交际

cheat sb (out) of sth 骗取某人某物。

h**e the/a habit of doing sth 有做…的习惯

be ignorant of … 无知的。





1. all of us areabout the earthquake-hit area. as far as i amlack of enough food, water and clothes __the health of the people there.


2. i can forgive your __but i won’t forgive your rudeness. you can __me, but you mustn’t ignore the is justhe isn’t stupid.


3. my teacher g**e me some usefulwhich __me on how to learn english effectively. (advice)

4. after the president came toall the polls said he was a __leader, but now he felt sothat he couldn’t control the rioting. (powerful)

5. my father __from high blood pressure .there is so muchthat he is aat home. (suffer)

6. in the 17th century, the british crowded into america and manywere set up for the___to __down. (settle)

7. the door won’t close. the screws(螺钉)areloose)the farmers __the soil before sowing the seeds.

8. he is so fond of __activities that he sometimes even sleep


9. the __village was under the water. the crops were __destroyed. (entire)

10the big block of store, hea very big snake, which terrified him. it took quite a while for him to __from the terror. (recover)


i.重点单词。1.beauty nadjadv2.harvest 3.庆祝 祝贺nv4.starve vn 5.origin nadjadv 6.信任 信心 信仰nv 7.到来 到达 到达者nv8.gain vt 9.dependindependenceindependent 10.集合 聚集 搜集...


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