
发布 2021-05-20 01:49:28 阅读 5935

高三英语学案 (module 9)

unit 1 reading (1)

使用说明】1. 10分钟学生朗读背诵学案。 2.

10分钟学生讨论并总结用法。3. 10分钟老师点拨。

4. 5分钟巩固背诵。5.


学习目标】 掌握reading line 1--32重点单词、短语及句型的用法并能熟练运用。

1. be second only to 仅次于。

the yellow river is second only to the yangtze river in china. 在中国黄河仅次于长江长。

be second to none 不亚于任何人as a dancer, he is second to none.他的舞技不亚于任何人。

2. defend vt. 常与from /against 连用防御;保卫;保护;为…辩护;辩解。

their duty is to defend our motherland against enemies.他们的职责是保卫祖国免受敌人侵犯。

the lawyer is defending mr smith. 律师正在为史密斯先生辩护。

3. abundant adj. 大量的;丰富的

be abundant in + 地点名词:在…地方有大量的/盛产…;

be abundant in + n:在…方面丰富;充裕。

rice is abundant in the south of china中国南方盛产大米。

china is abundant in natural resources中国自然资源丰富。

4. located in the heart of toronto is the canadian national tower, which is often called the cn tower for short加拿大国家电视塔位于多伦多市中心,通常简称为cn塔。

本句为倒装句,主语是the canadian national tower。located in the center of toronto 是过去分词短语作表语,该句的主语被一个非限制性定语从句所修饰,为避免头重脚轻,所以用倒装。

seat) on the grass is a young couplecome from nanjing.

be located in 位于;坐落于 = be situated in

the ming tomb xiaoling is located in the suburbs of nanjing. 明孝陵位于南京郊区。

for short: 简称;缩略;常作状语。▲ be short for: 作谓语, 是…的简称;▲ in short: 总之;简言之。

british broadcasting corporation is called bbc英国广播公司简称为bbc。

cctv ischina’s central television. cctv是中国**电视台的简称。

her novels are well-received by teenagers. 总之她的**很受青少年的欢迎。

5. montreal is the second largest french-speaking city in the world, pairs being the largest.



pairs being the largest 是由 “名词 (pairs) +v-ing (being the largest)” 构成的独立主格结构形式。

独立主格结构可以由 “名(代词主格) +v-ing / v-ed / to do / 形容词 / 副词 / 介词短语构成,这种结构在句中作状语,表时间,原因,条件,伴随,方式等。

注意: (1) 用to do / v-ing / v-ed 意义不同。不定式往往表示没有发生或即将发生的动作;v-ing 形式表示一个主动动作正在进行;v-ed形式表示已经完成、或被动完成的动作。

2) 独立主格结构中的being可以省略,但若是being done表示正在被做时,being不可省略。且当独立主格逻辑主语是it,there时,being 通常不省略。

ithe news, tears came down.


her workshe prepared to go home


the weatheri kept the windows open.


so many windowsi had to devote the whole afternoon.


the boy stood there, hand


itsunday, they had no classes. 那天是星期天,他们不上课。

foodi fell asleep我做着饭睡着了。


i. useful phrases in the text.


2. 以自然景色出名。

3. 零下20摄氏度。


5. 在寒冷的冰封的土地上。

6.富含。7. 喜爱。

8. 对….兴奋不已。

9. 大都市的生活方式。

10. 位于,坐落于。

ii. word spelling

1. there are frozen荒原) ,vast山脉), enormous open plains无数的)rivers and似乎)endless forests.

2. the four great inventions were made by our a

3. h**e you any cthoughts on how to deal with the difficulty?

4. there are many s___in new york, many of which are above 30 stories.

5. the nin hong kong is very colorful.

iii. multiple choices.

1. i won’t do it! _short—no! /her real name is catherine, but we call her kate __

a. in; for short b. for; in short c. in; in short d. as; for short

2. many children __very __mini french bread.

a. is; fond of b. are; fond of c. do; liked. are; like

3. _in the east of china, shanghai is said __one of the most developed cities of the country.

a. located; to beb. locating; to being

c. to locate; being d. to be located; h**ing been

4. it is said that pairs is the largest __city in the world.

a. french-spokenb. spoken french

c. speaking french d. french-speaking

5. quebec, once originally __by france, _the british in 1763.

a. was colonized; was lost to b. being colonized; was lost in

c. colonized; was lost tod. h**ing being colonized; was lost in

6. _553 metres into the sky, canadian national tower is the tallest tower in the world.


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