《英语I 2 》期末复习词组重点

发布 2021-05-19 19:59:28 阅读 4187



一、1、get up 起床 2、decide to 决定 3、be named after sb 以某人的名字命名 4、speak + 语言 speak french:说法语 5、through the river通过河 6、walk along 沿着。。。走 7、so do i(我也其中的do,根据前面的句子里的谓语来定如果是过去式就用过去式的did或是were,如果是现在时就用do或是are) 8、非限制性定语从句指人用who 例 the children, who we met in the morning were very good at singing.

9、hard-working勤劳的二、1、反意疑问句 (1)he works hard, doesn't he? (2)he will go to the town ,won’t he?…doesn’t works…,does he?

he won’t go to the town,will he? (3)he is never late for school,is he? he cares little for money,does he?

he has nothing to do,does he? 2、stop to do sth 停下来去做某事某事还没做 stop doing sth 停止做某事某事正在做 forget/remember doing sth 某事做过 (to do sth某事还没做)3、enjoy doing sth乐意去做某事 enjyoy oneself 玩得愉快4、.本该做滑做虚拟语气带有责备例 you are five minutes later,you b could h**e b should h**e come c must h**e come 5、h**e been to 曾经去过讲经历 h**e gone to 已经走了不在这里例 where h**e you been?

你去哪 6、used to do sth 过去常常做某事 be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事例 i used to get up early,when i was young. i am used to getting up early now.7、h**e something done 请某人做某事例 i had the window cleaned yesterday.

昨天我请人擦窗户。8、enough 做形容词时修饰名词放在前面做副词时修饰形容词或另一个副词放在后面例 the house is big enough to hold 50 people. he didn’t run fast enough to catch the train.

9、he has gone to shanghai ,he is regotiating(谈判) a new contract. 用动词不定式将两个句子连成一句 he has gone to shanghai to regotiating(谈判) a new contract. 10、i prefer to stay at home:

i would rather stay at home.11、时间状语从句、条件状语从句中如果动作发生在将来用一般现在时例 he will come to see you,as soon as (if/when) he comes tomorrow.12、would rather :

宁愿 13、play basketball 14、turn up 出现 15、in spite of :虽然尽管后面加名词 although:虽然尽管意思与上面一个相同但后面加句子。

16、as usual 像往常一样 17、instead of doing sth 代替。。 没有做例 mary went round to see tim instead of staying at home.18、i saw him enter the room.

主谓宾+宾补省略to 已经进了表示动作的全过程。i saw him entering the room.正在进表示动作进在进行。


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