
发布 2021-05-16 06:59:28 阅读 9583



now, listen to the following conversation. at the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. (tem4, 2004)

1. why does the man want to rent a one-bedroom apartment?

a. it costs lessb. it has a nice view.

c. it is on the cornerd. they h**e no children.

2. how much would he pay first if he wants to rent a one-bedroom apartment?



3. when will they meet?

a. 1:00

c. 4:00 5:00

听力原文:w: good afternoon. melrose apartments. may i help you?

m: yes, i’m interested in renting a one-bedroom apartment. do you h**e any **ailable?

w: no. i’m sorry.

none are **ailable at this time, but i expect a vacancy in about three weeks. could i interest you in a two-bedroom?

m: well, i’m a student and i h**e to cut corners. how much more would a two-bedroom apartment cost me?

w: the one-bedroom rents for $150 a month and the two-bedroom is only $35 more.

m: is the two bed-room a great deal larger than the one-bedroom?

w: yes, it is. also, i might tell you that the one bedroom doesn’t h**e a dishwasher.

all of our two-bedroom do.

m: what about signing a lease?

w: we do require a 6-month lease, and there is a deposit of $100 in case any damage is done to the apartment.

m: when could i see the apartment?

w: how about later this afternoon?

m: let me see. i h**e an appointment at 3:

30 and another one at 4. how about 5 o’clock this afternoon?

w: that would be fine.

m: i’ll pick my wife up from work, and we come right over.

w: i’m looking forward to seeing you then.

m: thank you. good-bye.

w: good-bye.

就第1题而言,只要记录下了“i’m a student and i h**e to cut corners.”这一信息就不难判断出正确答案为a,尤其是“cut corners” 这一信息,这是解题的关键。作为学生,想要节约开支是再合理不过的理由。

“cut corners”指以最简便或最廉价的方式做某事。

第2题是一个推算题,从这一句the one-bedroom rents for $150 a month and the two-bedroom is only $35 more.中可以记录下这样的信息“one: $150/month; two:

$35 more”。很多同学抓住了这些信息,这已经离成功之差一半。然后呢?


m: what about signing a lease?

w: we do require a 6-month lease, and there is a deposit of $100 in case any damage is done to the apartment.(先不看彩色部分)


在女生读完we do require a 6-month lease,后,紧接着她读到and there is a deposit of $100 in case any damage is done to the apartment.(就是彩色部分),从而可知租房者还应额外叫$100的押金以防对公寓的损害,抓住这一信息,拿下此题不在话下,故租房者租一室的公寓先要交1000美元,即正确答案为b。


m: when could i see the apartment?

w: how about later this afternoon?

m: let me see. i h**e an appointment at 3:

30 and another one at 4. how about 5 o’clock this afternoon?

w: that would be fine.

对话**现三个时间点:3:30;4;5 o’clock;这就要求考生在听时对细节的掌握。

当听到i h**e an appointment at…时,考生可以直接记录下后面紧跟着出现的时间3:30,然后在其上面划上一个自己习惯于用来表示错误的符号,然后当听到another one at…时,其应对方法如上。这样在做题时直接用排除法得出正确答案d。





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