nearly two thousand years ago there lived in rome a manwhose name was julius caesar. he was the greatest of allthe
romans. why was he so great?
he was a br**e warrior,and had conquered manycountries for rome. he was wise in planning and doing. heknew how to make men both love and fear him.
at last he made himself the ruler of rome. some said hewished to bee its king. but the romans at that time did notbelieve in kings.
once when caesar was passing through a little countryvillage, all the men, women and children of the place cameout to see him. there were not more than fifty of them, alltogether, and they were led by their mayor,who told eachone what to do.
these ****** people stood by the roadside and watchedcaesar pass. the mayor looked very proud and happy; for washe not the ruler of this village? he felt that he wasalmost as great as caesar himself.
some of the ranking officers who were with caesarlaughed. they said, "see how that fellow struts at the headof his little flock!”
laugh as you will." said caesar, he has reason to beproud. "i would rather be the head man of a village thanthe second man in rome!
at another time, caesar was crossing a narrow sea in aboat. before he was half way to the farther shore, a stormovertook him. the wind blew hard; the w**es dashed high;the lightning flashed; the thunder rolled.
it seemed every minute as though the boat would captain was in great fright. he had crossed the seamany times, but never in such a storm as this. he trembledwith fear; he could not guide the boat; he fell down uponhis knees; he moaned, "all is lost!
all is lost!"
but caesar was not afraid. he bade the man get up andtake his oars again. "why should you be afraid?
" hesaid."the boat will not be lost; for you h**e caesar onboard."
加强英语听力训练,提高英语听力水平。福建省南安市华美中学。郭美金。摘。要 在全球化特征日益明显,理解水平。英语作为国际性语言地位日益突出的。录音时就显得焦急 慌乱,结果心越急,听力的目的在于理解,理解材料的获得的信息越少 二是停滞,有的学生。一。时代,英语听力成为人们相互交往 适主题 事实 重要细节...
加强英语听力训练,提高英语听力水平。作者 郭美金。文理导航 教育研究与实践 2013年第03期。摘要 在全球化特征日益明显,英语作为国际性语言地位日益突出的时代,英语听力成为人们相互交往 适应社会与发展自我的重要能力。在英语教学中,教师必须根据学生的实际情况,采取各种有效的教学方法拓宽学生知识面,寓...
正确有效的听音习惯。听不懂除了受前面各篇说的诸如语言知识 文化背景知识以及基本的听力技能等因素影响外,还与另一个因素息息相关。我们常常听到有人抱怨说,我花了很多时间来听英语,甚至象那些成功人士一样连走路 吃饭都戴着耳机,可是听力水平就怎么也提不高呢?究其原因,和个人的听音习惯有很大的关系。有些人看上...