
发布 2021-04-27 05:33:28 阅读 3159


永年县育英学校八年级上英语学科学生课堂导学案主备人:李璐璐编号 yy-人教版八上-20xx-10-05


unit 10 if you go to the party,you’ll h**e a great time!

第五课时sectionb3a--self check

学习目标。1.运用所学词汇及句型讨论生活与学习中的问题,并找出解决办法。 2.写一篇短文,介绍朋友的问题,并给出建议。 自主学习。


1.和某人吵架2. 失去所有乐趣3.

上课迟到4. 丢失钱包5. 没有足够的时间学习6.

犯粗心错误7. 感到害羞8. 学业上有问题9.

起床迟10. 在某方面有麻烦解决问题类短语。





从专家处得到建议__ 13. 从逃离14. 与某人交谈15.

要求某人更细心16. 解决问题其他短语。

1.太以至于不能2. 拥有丰富的经验3.

最后4. 感觉一样任务二:和你的搭档互相询问一下彼此三个最大的烦恼,完成3a和3b。


take part in; an old people’s home; school clean-up; children’s hospital

任务四:8分钟独自完成self check,检查。

永年县育英学校八年级上英语学科学生课堂导学案主备人:李璐璐编号 yy-人教版八上-20xx-10-05

合作** 佳句欣赏与模仿。

1. if we ask people to bring food, they’ll just bring potato chips and chocolate because they’ll be too lazy to cook. 【ask sb.

to do sth. 要求某人做某事;too to 太以至于不能】 一些家长常要求孩子努力学习,但他们因为太忙以至于不能了解孩子的真正烦恼。 2.

i think talking to someone helps a lot. in english, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. 【动名词在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语、定语等】

逃避问题会使你感到更糟。 用“if”推理下列行为的后果,并提出合理的建议。 1.

mike decides to work without finishing his college.

if he does,

i think he should 2. i lost my wallet last week, but i am still afraid to tell my parents. if you i think brother can’t do well in plans to give up learning english.

if i think 给下面青少年存在的问题提出合理的建议。

1. betty always runs away from her problems and tells nobody.

i think

if 2. lingling is he**y. some classmates often laugh at her.

i think if 当堂检测篇章训练。

假如你是王朋,你的笔友 jenny来信说她想在寒假找一份兼职工作,但不知道是去做导游还是去当老师。请你给她写一封回信,帮她做出合适的选择。

永年县育英学校八年级上英语学科学生课堂导学案主备人:李璐璐编号 yy-人教版八上-20xx-10-05


dear jenny,i am glad to receive your letter. i know you h**e a hard time choosing your part-time job. i am writing to give you some advice.

盘点收获: 课后反思:

错题反馈:永年县育英学校八年级上英语学科学生课堂导学案主备人:李璐璐编号 yy-人教版八上-20xx-10-05


bill clinton was born in august in 1946. he took office on january 20th, 1993 and became the

42nd president. he was the first president who was born after world war ii in america. he was also one of the youngest presidents in the history of the usa.

clinton was born in a poor family. three months before he was born, his father, william blats, died in a car his mother married norget clinton, so the boy’s family name was changed

in the summer of 1963, clinton was asked to visit the city of washington. during his visit, he met president kennedy in the white house. at that time, he dreamed of bexxing president.

thirty years later, his dream came true!he was also one of the most successful presidents in america!

( )1. bill clinton became the 42nd president when he was . a.

less than fifty b. less than forty c. fifty-six

d. more than fifty ( s father died .

b. before clinton was born c. before world war ii d. when clinton was very young

( )was the boy’s family name changed a. because he was the president of america.

b. because his family was very poor.

c. because his mother married norget clinton after his father died. d.

because his father was dead. (1963,clinton went to washington . a.

to take part in an exam b. for his vacation

c. for a visit d. to h**e a meeting with kennedy ( 5.

“the white house” might mean in chinese. a.白色的房子 b.

白色的家 c.怀特之家



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