中考英语语法复习及要点总结 六

发布 2021-04-13 01:38:28 阅读 9399

51.到达:1get to + 地点 get to shanghai / london / china接地点副词时,不带 there / home / in+大地点(如beijing / zhengzhou),arrive at+小地点(如school / hospital)arrive只作不及物动词,所以也可单独用:

please ring me up when you 只作及物动词,后直接加地点:reach beijing / england但常不说reach home / there / here.52.

感叹句:1what + 名词短语+主语+谓语!此情况下主、谓常可省略。

what lazy boys (they are)!what hard work (it is)!what good news (it is)!

what a good idea!what bad weather (it is)! what clever girls (you are)!

2how +形容词 / 副词 + 主语 + 谓语!how hard the work is! how fast he runs!

how rude you are!how carefully they are listening! how bad the weather is!

/ instead / out等与加of的区别:1because 后接句子,because of 接名词或代词。he didn’t come because he was ill.

/because of his illness.2instead是副词,单独在句尾。instead of 后要接名词或代词。

we didn’t h**e rice, we had noodles instead. /instead of it.3out 副词,可单独用,但若接地点,先加of.

(也可作介词, “向…外”,可不加of. 一般不要求掌握。)he went out early.

或he went out of the house early. much, too many与much too:much too“过于”,加形容词或副词原级。

much too big / slowly等。too much“太多的”,加不可数名词。too much work / rain等。

too many“太多的”,加可数复数。too many books / people等。(以上每个短语可依第二个词来决定其后要接什么词。

)55. alone / lonely: 1alone,“独自一人;单独”不含感**彩。

可当形容词,但只在系动词后作表语:jack is alone. 杰克是单身。

the old woman is alone in the house. 那位老妇一个人在屋里。

可当副词,修饰动词:she lives alone. 她独居。

can you move the stone alone? 你能独自搬动那块儿石头吗?dick is walking on the beach alone.

狄克独自在海滩漫步。(注意:不可说very alone.

但可说very much alone.)2lonely, “孤独的;寂寞的”带有伤感色彩。只当形容词。

可在系动词后作表语:the old man is lonely.这位老人是孤独的。

he has many relatives, but he feels lonely. 他有很多亲戚,但感到孤独。(lonely 和心理感受有关,而alone和心理感受无关。

)也可在名词前作定语:a lonely person一位孤独的人a lonely village一个偏僻的村庄(而alone不可作定语) to与be: this suit belongs to me / lucy / my brother.

(直接加人)this suit is mine / lucy’s / my son’s / hers. (某物是某人的,所以用名词性物主代词。)常见用法:

1“通过”i study english by memorizing can know it by looking it up in a dictionary. he tr**els by bike.2“截止到”will you finish the task by tomorrow?

the train had left by the time he got there.3“被”this novel was written by lu xun.4“经过”he passed by me without noticing “在……旁边”sit by me.

they are playing by the river.58.部分用in的短语:

in a good way(用一个好方法),in the open air(在露天场所)in a hurry(匆忙), in pen / ink(用钢笔 / 墨水) (见105), in style(时新的)in the day(在白天)(见92), in different sizes(以不同的大小), in red(穿着红衣服)in different shapes(以不同的形状)in a difficult situation(在困难情况下)in good health(身体健康)in a red coat(穿着红外套)(见46), in english(用英语)in the way(挡道) in a low voice(用低的声音) in order to(为了,后接动词原形)

中考英语语法复习及要点总结 二

11.对 评价 天气 的提问之区别 1what do you think of how do you like how what do you feel about 你对 怎么看?how 句中有like,是动词。2what s the weather like in how is the weath...

中考英语语法复习及要点总结 四

31.因为 because,常是对why的回答,语气最强。位置 because 或 because since,表显然的或已知的理由since it s already late,i must go 位置 for 语气最弱。i drove carefully,for it s 有时也指 因为 用法基...


中考英语语法复习 一般疑问句。一般疑问句。不用疑问词,但需要用yes或no回答的疑问句,叫一般疑问句。用升调。句末用问号 动词的一般疑问句。句型 be动词 主语 is your father angry 你父亲生气了吗?yes,he is.是的,他生气了。no,he isn t.不,他没生气。are...