
发布 2021-03-14 08:20:28 阅读 6777


误) good good study, day day up.

正) study hard and you’ll make progress every day

误) there is a notice in the park, saying:“to take notice of safe; slippery sideway ”

正)there is a notice in the park, saying:“watch your step. slippery sideway. ”


误)in the bedroom there are a bed, a desk and a chair.

正) in the bedroom there is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair.

误)60﹪ of the students against the idea of entrance fees.

正)60﹪ of the students are against the idea of entrance fees.

误)2 days past before his letter arrived.

正)2 days passed before his letter arrived.

误)the box is too he**y for the weak boy to carry it.

正) the box is too he**y for the weak boy to carry.

误) we hope to improve our work better.

正) we hope to improve our work.


误)tom was in such a hurry that he forgot his schoolbag on the bus.

正)tom was in such a hurry that he left his schoolbag on the bus.

误)i am tired, i must go to bed.

正)i am tired, so i must go to bed.


误)there were 40 foreigners came to visit our school.

正)there were 40 foreigners who came to visit our school.

正)40 foreigners came to visit our school.

误)without a friend will feel lonely.

正)without a friend one will feel lonely.



误)being an honest man, tom worked very hard.

正)being an honest man, tom never tells a lie.

误)rose falls in love with john is in love with mary.

正) rose falls in love with john, while john is in love with mary.


误)《china daily》is a great help to the english learners.

正)china daily is a great help to the english learners.

误)li ping is not old enough, he can not join the army.

正)li ping is not old enough. he can not join the army/ li ping is not old enough to join the army.



作者 赵继辉 黑河教育 2010年第02期。英语写作能力是我国外语教学强调的一个核心能力,但在现实的高中英语教学中,学生对英语写作不感兴趣 谈之色变。针对这一现状,笔者试图从学生作文中所出现的错误入手,找出制约高中生英语写作能力提高的因素,并据此调整教学策略 教学重点,总结出实际可行的教学对策,以达...


轰钟爱拇甯。高中英语写作错误分析及对策。宋。瑞。河北枣强中学英语组河北枣强。摘要 针对学生书面表达的错误,教师应把平时课堂教学 广泛阅读训练和分类专门写作相结合进行英语写作训练指导 做到有。点有面,循序渐进。关键词 高中英语写作 错误分析 成功对策。中图分类号文献标识码 文章编号。学生普遍反映英文书...


一 引言 英语写作是高中学生感到很困难的一件事。在学生的习作中,我们不难发现这样或者那样的错误。其实如果学生平时养成一种正确使用和模仿的意识,这些错误是很容易减少或者避免的。笔者根据一线教学实际对学生英语写作中常见的两种错误进行仔细分析并提出改正方法,再提供一些配套练习加以巩固,主要目的是让学生在今...