
发布 2021-02-22 08:42:28 阅读 9038


侧重原因。in recent years, 总述现象 which has been brought into focus. 现象表现。

in addition, 进一步描述现象。 there are many factors contributing to this phenomenon.

among all these reasons,原因一plays a critical role. 进一步说明原因。 what's more 原因二。 besides,原因三。

as far as i am concerned, 我的态度。on the one hand,理由一。however,on the other hand,理由二。

to conclude 总结全文。

侧重图表。according to the chart ,we clearly learn that 总述现象。as early as in 图表中最早的时间,当时的数据。

then only 几年 later, 图表中数据变化。 and by *年,数据变化。

there are many reasons accounting for this change. firstly,原因一,进一步说明原因。secondly, 原因二。

finally,原因三。as a result,以上原因导致的结果。

as far as i am concerned, 我的态度。for one thing,理由一。however,for another,理由二。 in brief 总结全文。

侧重影响。in recent years, 总述现象。 现象表现一。 in addition, 现象表现二。

as everyone see,该现象has brought great effects on 影响对象。above all,影响一。for example, 进一步说明影响一。

what's more ,影响二。in addition,影响三。

form my point of view, 我的态度。for one thing,理由一。however,for another,理由二。 in a word 总结全文。


侧重方法。it is generally accepted that 总述该问题。 表现一。

additionally, 表现二。therefore how to 解决该问题 is worth paying more attention to.

many a factor plays an important role in 解决该问题。 .above all,方法一。

moreover,方法二。 in addition,方法三。

form my point of view,对该问题作出总体评价。also,进一步描述问题重要性。 in conclusion,总结。

侧重危害。in recent years, 问题is more and more of a problem in 问题的存在范围。问题表现一。

what's worse 问题表现二。

as is known to all ,this phenomenon produces harmful effects in many of all, 危害一。 even worse,危害二。

considering the seriousness of the problem, it is quite urgent for us to take effective measures to 解决该问题。above all,方法一。 moreover,方法二。

in addition,方法三。only through these ways 该问题才能解决。


in recent years,there are still h**e been quite a few people who 人的做法。 as is known to all,这种做法的危害性。even worse ,进一步说明该做法的危害。

该问题 is due to the following factors..among these 原因一 plays a vital role. 进一步说明原因what's more ,原因二。

considering the great harm brought by 该问题。i think it is high time we took effective measures to 解决问题。above all,方法一。

moreover,方法二。 in addition,方法三。only through these ways 该问题才能解决。



when it comes to 谈论主题,there is no complete agreement among people take it for choose 一种观点。however , others would rather 另一种观点。

those who hold the first preference believe 观点一的理由一。 in addition, they point out 观点一的理由二。however, still others do not agree with their opinion,观点二的理由一。

besides,they consider 观点二的理由二。

weighing up these two argument .i am inclined to the former. for one thing,理由一。

for another,理由二。taking above -mentioned factors into consideration. i may reasonable conclude 重申观点。


quite a lot of people take it for granted that 某种观点。even some people 进一步说明该观点。however, i hold the entirely different view.

of course ,我不赞同观点的合理性。for example , 支持其合理性的例子。also 进一步说明合理性。

but it doesn't mean that 我不赞同观点的不足。from my point ,我的不同观点。

the following reasons can account for my argument .first of all, 理由一。 a good to illustrate this is 理由一的例子。

moreover,理由二。 from the foregoing,重申观点。


in recent years, 提出主题。there is no doubt that 该主题 brings about several benefits to 受益对象。above all 好处一。

进一步说明好处。 in addition, 好处二。

as every coin has two one thing .该主题 has some one thing,坏处一。for another, 坏处二。

weighing up the advantage and disadvantage,我的观点。as for me,我的理由或做法。but it is worth nothing that 需要注意的事项。

to conclude 总结全文。



论点。 for 论点涉及的对象,whether man or women ,正确性表现一。no doubt,正确性表现二。

many remarkable reasons account for this argument. fist of all 论据一,进一步说明论据一。what's more 论据二。

for example 论据二的事例。 in addition, 论据三。

all mentioned above tells us that 重申观点,违背该观点可能带来的影响。therefore, there is no denying that 论点涉及的对象 should 正确的态度的做法。


论点is a proverb (traditional chinese values) full of logic, which has been generally accepted. it tells us 论点含义。 the truth of it is deep and profound.

many remarkable examples account for this argument . a case in point is 例证一。 this is close to suggest 例证的道理。

for another example 例证二。进一步说明例证二。moreover 例证三。

judging from the evidence offered ,we might safely draw the conclusion that 重申观点。 but what is worth nothing is 需要注意的问题。 to conclude ,指出正确做法。


nowadays there are still many people 与论点冲突的观点。进一步说明背景观点或现象。however 论点。

the following reasons can support the argument.


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