人教PEP 五年级上册英语第三单元复习题

发布 2020-11-14 08:46:28 阅读 5965





)白菜green beans¥4.00()鱼mutton¥11.00()青豆eggplant¥3.









friwrite part


o k r p __u o t t m n___o t u f __o o p t t a __o r u s __l s a y t __s y t t a___a e g r p __u i r t f __i s h f __o r f __a a g e c b b___二、将下列单词重新排列成句子。(18分)


2. ieggplanttomatoesaboutandyouwhath**e


oaroadfrfruitflfloor四、read the story and tick or cross.(5’)baby: mom, i’m hungry !

mother: what would you like for dinner ?baby: i’d like some cakes .

mother : here are some cakes . would you like some cupcakes ?

they’re no, i don’t. i don’t like cupcakes .mother:

what’s your f**ourite cake?

baby(climbs up the tree and points at the moon in the river)i like that cake!mother : oh, dear !

1) the baby monkey would like some cakes for dinner . 2)the baby monkey likes cupcakes.()3) the cupcakes are sweet .

4) cupcakes are the mother monkey’s f**ourite food . 5) the baby monkey wants to eat the moon. (五、read and answer the questions。

1.what’syour f**ourite food ? why ?

2. what’syour f**ourite class ? why ?

3. what’syour f**ourite animal

4. what’s your f**ourite book5. what’s your f**ourite colour

附:听力部分内容:一、listen and tick.

do you h**e for lunch? i h**e tofu and green do you h**e for dinner ? i h**e chicken and fish .

do you h**e for hreakfast? i h**e milk and bread . would you like for lunch?

i’d like some pork and would you like for lunch ? i’d like some mutton and would you like for lunch ? i’d like some eggs and grapes are too sour .

apples are sweet , i like them very like tofu, because they’re healthy .

don’t like the cumpubers , because they aren’t fresh.二.listen number and match.

much are the pork ? they are 5 yuan . much are the cabbage ?

they are 2 yuan . much are the green beans? they are 4 yuan .

much are the potatoes ? they are 1 yuan . much are the eggplants ?

they are 3 yuan . much are the tofu ? they are 1 yuan .

much are the fish ? they are 8 yuan . much are the tomatoes ?

they are 3 yuan . much are the mutton ? they are 11 yuan .

三、listen and choose .

do you h**e for lunch? i h**e chicken and fish . do you h**e for lunch?

i h**e green beans and cabbages . do you h**e for lunch? i h**e cabbage , carrats and do you h**e for lunch?

i h**e fish and green beans . your f**ourite food ? i like tomatoes .

do you h**e for lunch? i h**e cabbage and tofu . mutton are too tofu is healthy .

grapes is too sour . fish is tasty .

四.listen and fill the blank.

do you h**e for lunch on mondays? i h**e cabbage, beef and do you h**e for lunch on tuesdays? i h**e potatoes, mutton and egg.

3. what do you h**e for lunch on wednesdays?i h**e tomatoes eggplant and fish.

4. what do you h**e for lunch on thursdays? i h**e pork chicken and green beans .

5. what do you h**e for lunch on fridays?i h**e bread , water and milk .

小学英语 PEP 五年级上册教案 第三单元

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