
发布 2020-11-03 13:31:28 阅读 3072

unit2 i’d like a hamburger


. :teaching goal

master the following new words:food, drinks, hamburger, beef, chicken, fish, sandwich, coke, coffee, tea.

2.:be able to skillfully use the following sentence patterns --what would you like? -i’d like a ……i’d like some ……

. .teaching points

can understand, will say this lesson dialogue

. teaching difficulties

1. be able to skillfully use the "teaching objectives" in the sentence pattern for a ****** meal

2. able to exchange the price of the goods for a ****** exchange.

ⅳ. teaching process

一. warming up

gametalk ,review.


三.新授。t: there are some food.(老师手里拿出一张汉堡包**,并示意要举手回答问题。)


t: good, sit down, please. (老师示意学生坐下,并板书单词且加组分,带读单词。)

t: 同上的方法出示并教学beef, chicken, fish, sandwich, coke, coffee, tea等7个单词。

t: let’s play a game---bomb, bomb, bomb“.(游戏规则:

老师带读单词,有一位或多位同学读出了单词卡片后面画有炸弹图案的单词,则这一位或多位同学输了,其他同学将会向他们做出扔炸弹的动作,并大声喊出:1,2,3,bomb, bomb, bomb。)

t: ok,game is over. look. what would you like?(老师出示一个可以立在讲桌上的画板,并板书在黑板上。)

s1: i’d like a……(举手示意的同学上讲台用手指食物**,然后同时老师板书。)

t: good, please go back to your seat. (老师示意学生走回座位,学生坐回座位。)

t: team a is good.(老师为得分组加分于黑板上)


t: 同上的方法进行2-3次练习。

t: how much is it ?(老师走到最后一个上讲台指食物**的学生旁)

s1: it’s 5 yuan.

t: here you are.(老师从画板上取出食物**给学生)

s1: thank you.

t: good, you can go back to your seat.( 老师示意学生可以走回座位,并为该学生组计分在黑板上,学生回到座位。)

t: let’s play a game---do and act”.(游戏规则:


五.作业。t: ok, game is over.

today the winner is a. let’s do some work.(老师根据黑板上的小组分指出今天的胜利队,并下发今天的作业。)


unit2i d like a hamburger 五年级英语上册 新版 湘少版执教者 周叶芳。教学目标。1.能熟练掌握以下四会单词 food,drinks,hamburger,beef,chicken,fish,sandwich,coke,coffee,tea.2.能熟练运用下列句型 what w...


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