
发布 2020-11-02 19:41:28 阅读 4391



1. 等公共汽车2. ask the way

3. 在你的右侧4. get there

5.向右转6. next to the hospital

7. 去看电影8. walk to thezoo

9. 劳驾;对不起10. too many cars





7、does not(缩写8、drive(名词。



)1. how can we __the zoo? _foot.

a. get;onb. to get;byc. get to ;on

)2. the sports shop is __your left.

a. inb. onc. at

)3. i don’t h**e __nice clothes __shoes.

a. some, andb. any, andc. any, or

)4. he __every house.

a. visitb. visitsc. visits to

)5. it’s nine o’clock. i __go to bed now.

a. canb. doc. h**e to

)6. —why are you in bed now

a. i want to play football b. because i am ill c. after i h**e supper

)7. let’sthe metro now.

a. to takeb. takesc. take

)8do you h**e dinnerat 6 o’clock.

a. how manyb. how oldc. what time

)9. we can’t eat __

a. itb. theyc. their

)10. what __tom like doing? he likes watching cartoons.

a. dob. doesc. doing


1、sheh**e ) a good time at the party.

2、i likesing), but my sister doesn’t like.

3、many girls try on the shoe,but it does notfits).

4、we wanth**e)a picnic.

5、can youdraw) a picture for me

6. the boxesbe) too full.

7. there are many trafficlight ) in the street.

8. let hertake ) the bus to the park.

9. my sisterfind) the shop.

10. the boyask) a policeman for help.


1、mike likes his new bike.(改为否定句)

mikehis new bike.

2、wang bing comes to school on foot .(对划线部分提问)

wang bingto school .

3、my sister goes shopping on saturdays . 改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

your sistershopping on saturdays ? no, she __

5. they pick some big red mushrooms. (改为单数句子)



theis nothere.

2. 你可以在医院的前面上车,在动物园门口下车。

you canthe bus in front of the __and

the gate of the __


a)johnson has a parrot(鹦鹉). it’s a beautiful bird. every day johnson says to it, “hello!

i can see you!” soon the bird can say, “hello! i can see you!

” too.

one day johnson is at school. a thief(贼) comes into johnson’s room. he wants to steal(偷) something.

a voice(声音) comes, “hello! i can see you!” the thief puts the things on the floor and runs away.

判断正( t )误 ( w )。

)1. johnson’s bird is a parrot.

)2. johnson often says “hello! i can see you!” to the bird.

)3. johnson is a policeman.

)4. when the thief hears the voice, he puts the things down.

)5. the thief steals the bird.


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