五年级下英语3 4单元要点总结

发布 2020-11-02 19:43:28 阅读 6345

英语五年级下册unit 3知识要点。


television(电视):cartoon(动画片),sports programme(体育节目),nature programme(自然节目),detective film(侦探电影),romantic film(爱情电影),science fiction film(科幻电影)



其它: star(明星),smile(微笑),telly(电视机,非正式),only(只有),sweet(糖果),‘cause=because(因为)

词组:switch on(打开),for a while(一会儿),thousands of(成千上万的)


1. …is short for … 是…的简称。

tv is short for television. tv是television的简称。

2. i like… 我喜欢…/ i don’t like… 我不喜欢…

he likes…. 他喜欢… /he doesn’t like… 他不喜欢…


i like cartoons. 我喜欢动画片。

he likes detective films. 他喜欢侦探片。

3. …begins at … 表示某节目几点开始。)

the nature programme begins at half past six. 自然节目六点半开始。

4. i always/often/sometimes/never watch…

he/she always/often/sometimes/never watches…


i often watch nature programmes. 我经常看自然节目。

he never watches romantic films. 他从不看爱情电影。


本单元涉及的话题为television, 写写自己和家人看电视的喜好:

例文:my f**ourite programmes

my faourite programmes are cartoons and detective films. i often watch tv on saturday and sunday.

my f**ourite cartoon is kung fu panda. i think it is very interesting. i sometimes watch nature programmes.

my f**ourite nature programme is man and nature. it begins at half past four on saturday afternoon. my father often watches sports programmes.

he never watches romantic films. he thinks they are boring. but my mother often watches romantic films.

what do you often watch? what’s your f**ourite programme?


p20 t1短文熟读背诵; t2四会单词要求听写;

p21 t3a-3b要求听懂、理解、熟读、正确回答一般疑问句并使用第三人称描述他人看电视的喜好;

p22 t4要求听懂节目开始的时间并完成句子;

p23 t5要求理解、熟读、背诵短文;

p23t6- p24t7要求正确完成练习并仿写小短文;

p25 t8 要求听懂、背诵小诗歌kevin dee.


第21页:3a. listen and tick.

interviewer: juliet, what sort of films do you like?

juliet: i like cartoons and detective films.

interviewer: are there any films you don’t like?

juliet: oh, yes. i don’t like science fiction films. i never watch them.

interviewer: thanks, juliet.

interviewer: now, what about you, fred?

fred: i like nature programmes and sports programmes. i often watch sport with my dad.

interviewer: what is it you don’t like?

fred: romantic films. i never watch romantic films.

interviewer: what about you, angela?

angela: i love science fiction films and nature programmes. but i don’t like cartoons.

i never watch them.

interviewer: and what about you, frank?

frank: i like detective films, nature programmes and cartoons.

interviewer: anything you don’t like?

frank: well, i don’t like science fiction films and romantic films.

interviewer: thank you, juliet, fred, angela, frank.

第21页:3a. when do the programmes begin? 节目什么时候开始?

when does the sports programme begin? at twenty to six.

when does the nature programme begin? at ten past five.

what’s on tv this afternoon? there’s a cartoon.

when does it beginat four.

what’s on tv tonight? there’s a science fiction film.

when does it begin? at half past nine.

英语五年级下册unit 4知识要点。


town(城镇):museum(博物馆),park(公园),church(教堂),hospital(医院),bus stop(公共汽车站),train station(火车站),police station(警

察局),post office(邮局),tourist office(游客中心)

指路问路:left(左边), right(右边),behind(在…后面),straight ahead(向前直走),turn**身),opposite(对面), next to(在…旁边),beside(在…旁边),tell(告诉)




其它:just(就,只),past(经过),get(得到),same(相同的), 词组:take a taxi(乘坐出租车),on foot(走路)


1. 指路问路:

问路:excuse me, where is the …?

excuse me, can you tell(show) me the way to …?

指路:go left(向左走),go right(向右走),turn left(向左转),turn right(向右转),go straight ahead(向前直走),go past(经过)

turn left at the first/ second crossing(在第一/第二个十字路口左转)

2. …is next to/ beside… 某地在某地旁边。

the school is next to the post office.


3. …is opposite… 某地在某地对面。

the bus stop is opposite the church.

五年级下英语5 6单元要点总结

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