
发布 2020-10-15 13:01:28 阅读 3848






1. they like cooking.(改为否定句。

2. the girls like dancing.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

3. this crayon is jim’s. (改为同义句4. we like reading.(对画线部分提问。

5. d**id can play the violin.(对画线部分提问。

6. i like the pigs.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答。

7. there’s a pencil box on the desk. (改为复数8.

read the numbers, please.(改为否定句9. are they american girls?


10. the boy can make a model boat.(对画线部分提问。

11. he likes playing the guitar.(改为否定句。

12. the book is fifteen yuan.(对画线部分提问。

13. yang ling likes chocolate.(对画线部分提问。


1. she is___i)good friend.2.

this ishelen)toy doll.3he)are english teachers.4.

inot)h**e a watch.

5. they like___play)basketball after class.6.

h**e somesandwich), please.7you___like)pigs?

8. li lei and lin taobe)classmates.9.

there’s a swing is between thetree)。10. my teacher___be)in the sitting-room.

11. they’rei)good friends.12.

is this___she)dress?13. are you in___class)one?

14. that’smr green)car.15not sit)on the floor.

16. whatbe)on the wall?

17. the___woman)over there are taxi-drivers.18. this is not___he)desk.

19. mrs green likes___run)and___skate)。20. i can see two___cup)oftea)onthe table.

21be)you all in the same class?22who)watch is this? it’s mike’ like___apple),but i don’tlike___mango)。

23. my friend likes___in summer. heswim)well.


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