
发布 2020-10-12 17:14:28 阅读 9050

五年级英语小班第二讲:unit 1

h**e english class 上英语课晨练。


eat dinner 吃晚饭get up 起床。

go to bed **睡觉go back to school 回到学校。

go购物finish class 结束课程。

eat lunch 吃午饭h**e ..class 上。课。

1do you eat breakfast?

---i usually eat breakfast at 7 o’clock.

2on the weekend?

---i often play football on the weekend.



do you do you do in the evening

7:30 in the this your book

a: can i ask you some questions?


ab: yes, it is.

ab:i’m a teacher.

a: when do you eat breakfast?


saturdays, together, twelve,grandparents,go to bed, parents,shopping,get up,hiking,breakfast)

hello, i am jane. i amevery weekend i usually gowith my brother. oni usuallyat 7:

00. then i eatat then we go hikingin the evening, i eat dinner at 7:00 with ouron sundays, i often visit ourand then i gofor them in the afternoon.

in the evening i watch tv at 8:30. then iat 9:

00. this is my weekend. what about yours?


--i usually h**e dinner at 9:00.

--usually i do morning exercises on the weekend.

3.--what does jack do?

he teaches us maths.

--i often go for a walk after dinner.

---yes, i often get up early.

--they usually go shopping on the weekend.


sam is my friend. he is eleven years old. he is an english boy, but he lives in beijing now.

there are four people in his family: father, mother, sister and him. his father is a policeman.

his mother is a nurse. his sister, alice, is sixteen years old. she is a middle school student.

sam is a student at beijing primary school. his f**ourite subjects are science and pe. he likes playing table tennis and surfing the internet.

) is an american boy. he is eleven years old.

) s mother is a doctor.

) lives in china now.

) and his sister are in the same school.

) and pe are sam’ s f**ourite subjects.


busy, too, win, back, help)

late.good at sports. i often

soneed a robot to you.

do you goto school after lunch?


1.( let’s play football the weekend.

a. 2.( my mumlast night.

a. work

3.( i sometimes take aclass.

a. dance

4.( i’ll play pipa.

5do you finish class in the morning?

a. which


never, always, sometimes, often, usually, every)

eat 吃 ate eaten

go 去 went gone

build 建造 built built

get 得到 got got


sew 缝合 sewed sewn / sewed一、中译英。

bear 忍受 bore born晨练吃早饭去购物。

upset 扰乱 upset upset进行体育活动散步上舞蹈课。


exercises, on, clean my room, in, dinner, when, what

1.__do you do morning

light 点着 lit / lighted lit / lighted ion the weekend.

feed 喂 fed fed eatat 7:00 in the evening.

write 书写 wrote written h**e english class___the afternoon.

5. do you do saturdays?


2013至2014学年度第一学期。小学五年级英语单元检测 unit 1 考生注意 本试卷共十大题,总分100分,时间40分钟。听力部分 40 一 听录音,选出你听到的一项。10分 1.a.funnyb.sunnyc.sunday 2 3.a.nowb.n...


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