小学教育 2024年五年级下册第一单元测试题

发布 2020-10-11 13:12:28 阅读 5915



--i get up at 6:00.

2.--whatthe weekend?

--i often go hiking.

3. -when

-she eats dinner at 6:00.


a:hello,zhang peng.__1___

b:i'm fine,thank you.

a:today is saturday.__2___

b:i often play sports.sometimes i read some books.__3___

a:usually i visit my grandparents.__4___

b:we can play sports together next saturday.


a.what do you do on the weekend?

b.sometimes i play sports,too.

c.how are you today?

d.good idea!

e.how about you?



my fatherto work at seven.


igoon the weekend.


xiao ming oftenafter school.


my sisterthe piano after supper.


my mothergoeson sundays.


ab: i do sports at 5:00 every day.

ab: yes, i go to bed at 9:00 every day.

a: what do you do?

ba: thank you for telling me about your day.


zip:what do you do on the weekend?

dog:i usually go hiking.sometimes i play football.and you?

zip:i often climb mountains.sometimes i go shopping with zoom.

zoom:and i can't go shopping with you this weekend.


zoom:my grandma is ill.i want to visit h11er.

dog/zip:can i go with you?

zoom:ok.thank you!

1.zip often goes shopping with zoom.(

2.dog usually goes hiking on the weekend.(

3.they're going to visit zoom's grandpa this weekend.(


hello! my name is jenny.i am a nurse.i usually get up at 6:30 in the morning.i go to work at 8:

00.i often go shopping at 4:20 in the afternoon.i eat dinner at 5:40 p.m.i go to bed at 8:

30 in the evening.i often go hiking on the weekend.sometimes i visit my grandparents.

1.what does jenny do

2.when does jenny go to work

3.does she eat dinner at 5:40 p.m

does she often do on the weekend七、做一做。(6分)



1go to school by bus everyday.

2.when do youbreakfast?

3.i usually do morning exercises8:30.

4.what do you do onweekend?

5.mr wang is our new teacheris very tall.

6.that girl has two eggs inhand.


sports sometimes student name at milk day exercises sometime day dinner )

___is zhang ming. i am a __at willow school. my f**ourite __is monday.

i often get up __6:30 in the morning. i h**e __and bread for breakfast.

then i go to school at 7:10. i do morningat 7:

40. i eat lunch at 11:45 at school.

in the afternoon, we h**e art, puter andafter school, i play __with my friends. in the evening, i eat __at 7:00.

then i do my homework. _i watch tv. i go to bed at 9:

00. this is my day. do you like my day?


1. ab:i often visit grandparents on monday.

2. ab:i usually go shopping on the weekend.

3. ab:yes, they often watch tv.

4. ab:no, i go hiking.

5. ab: i am a student.


hello, i am zoom. i get up at 6:00 every day in the morning.

i eat breakfast at 6:30. then i go to school at do morning exercises at 8:

00. we h**e three classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. i go home at 5:

00 i play basketball at 5:30. i eat supper at 7:

30. then i do my homework. i go to bed at 9:

00. this is my day. what about yours?

( )1、how many classes does zoom h**e in a day?

b. six.

( )2、when does zoom play sports in the afternoon?

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