新版小学四年级英语上第三单元测试卷 含答案及听力

发布 2020-09-30 07:57:28 阅读 6775




listening (60%)

一、listen and number. (10分)

chen jie 正在介绍自己的朋友。请根据短文中人物出现的顺序,用阿拉伯数字排序。每题读两遍。

二、listen and circle. (10分)

who’s chen jie’s friend? please listen and circle. 请听一听,圈出正确的**的字母编号。每题读两遍。


abab三、listen ,tick or cross. (10分)

chen jie正在描述自己的朋友,请听录音,对的打“√”错的打“x”。每题读两遍。

四、listen and tick. (10分)

chen jie is talking about her friends. listen and tick.请听录音,“√出正确的信息。每题读两遍。

五、listen,circle and write . 10分)


o o-eo o-eo o-eo o-e o o-e

六、this is chen jie’s friend. 请听短文,补充所缺的单词。(10分)

reading and writing (38%)

1、read and write. (10分)

chen jie is talking bout her friends. please read and write the letters. 请看图阅读句子,把字母编号写在正确的图下面。

a. he’s a boy. he’s tall. he has glasses.

b. he’s thin. he has short hair. he has a bag.

c. she’s a girl. she’s tall. she’s strong.

d. she has long hair. she has a bag. she has a beautiful hat.

e. he’s short. he has big eyes. he has a hat.

2、 read and judge. (10分)

please read and write t or f. 看图,阅读句子,对的在句子前面的括号写t,否则写f。

1. the children are in the classroom

2. ben is strong. he’s near the door

3. james has big eyes and a small mouth. he has a bag

4. kate is friendly. she has long hair. she has a hat

5. ann has long hair. she’s near the desk

三、this is the picture of chen jie’s friend. please read and write. (8分)


四、read and choose.(10分)


my name is chen jie . i h**e two new friends. they are mary and ben.

mary is thin. she has long hair, big eyes and ears. she has a small nose and a small mouth.

she is is thin, has brown has a big mouth and a big nose. he is cute,too. we are very friendly.

)1. who is chen jie’s friend?

a. mary b. ben c. mary and ben

)2. mary has a nose and amouth.

a. small;big b. big;small

) has a nose and amouth.

a. small;big b. big;big

4. ben hashair.

a. black b. brown

) jie has twofriends.

b. boy c. girl



一、listen and number. (10分)

chen jie 正在介绍自己的朋友。请根据短文中人物出现的顺序,用阿拉伯数字排序。每题读两遍。

二、listen and circle. (10分)

who’s chen jie’s friend? please listen and circle. 请听一听,圈出正确的**的字母编号。每题读两遍。

1. a 2. b 3. b

三、listen ,tick or cross. (10分)

chen jie正在描述自己的朋友,请听录音,对的打“√”错的打“x”。每题读两遍。

1.(√2.( x ) 3.( x ) 45.(

四、listen and tick. (10分)

chen jie is talking about her friends. listen and tick.请听录音,“√出正确的信息。每题读两遍。


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