
发布 2020-03-24 18:44:28 阅读 9243


unit 3 my friends测试题。


)1. a. longb. shortc. shirt

答案:c (易)

)2. a. hairb. skirtc. face

答案:b (易)

)3. a. oneb. mouthc. foot

答案:a (易)

)4. a. friendsb. strongc. thin

答案:a (易)

)5. a. boyb. girlc. teacher

答案:c (易)

)6. a. blackb. teacherc. student

答案:a (易)

)7. a. tigerb. snakec. cup

答案:c (易)

)8. a. carb. violinc. van

答案:b (易)

)9. a. underb. spoonc. plate

答案:a (易)

)10. a. put onb. shortc. tall

答案:a (易)

)11. a. musicb. sciencec. girl

答案:c (易)

)12. a. sportsb. doorc. window

答案:a (易)

)13. a. watermelon b. redc. pear

答案:b (易)

)14. a. long hairb. quietc. short hair

答案:b (易)

)15. a. penb. pencil-casec. yacht

答案:c (易)

)16. a. zebrab. zooc. dog

答案:b (易)

)17. a. yellowb. ice-creamc. juice

答案:a (易)

)18. a. sheb. itc. he

答案: b (易)

)19.a.window b.doorc.clean

答案:c (易)

)20.a.thirteen b.fanc.twenty

答案:b (易)


答案:c (易)

)22.a.playb.music c.box

答案:a (易)


答案: c (难)


答案:c (易)


答案:c (易)


答案:c (易)


答案:c (易)


答案:b (易)


答案:c (易)


答案:c (易)


答案:c (易)


答案:c (易)


答案:b (易)


)1.elephant a.music b.dogc.painting

答案:b (易)

)2.talla.friend b.strong c.photo

答案:b (易)

)3.story-book a.thirtyb.twenty c.notebook

答案:c (易)

)4.orange a.computer b.grape c.picture

答案:b (易)


答案: c (易)


)1is he?--he’s my teacher.(易)

a.that b.who c.this

答案:b )2name is zhang peng.he’s a good boy.(易)

a.he b.it c.his

答案:c )3.wu yifanbig eyes and a small nose.(易)

a.h**e b.had c.has

答案:c )4name is amy.(易)

a.she b.her c.his

答案:b )5.--are you nine?--yes,you’re易)

a.1ight b.right c.all right

答案:b )6.--is your friend a boy or a girl易)

a.yes,he isb.a boyc.girl

答案:b )7.my friend is zhang peng.he hashair.(易)


答案:c )8.-who’s this girl易)

a.she’s my motherb.she likes music c.she’s my sister

答案:c )9.--is he strong易)

a.yes,he isb.no,he isc.no,she isn’t

答案:a )10her name is betty.(易)

a.what’s her name? b.what’s your name? c.what’s his name?

答案:a )12.listenmusic.(易)


答案:b )13.my friend is sarahis quiet.(易)


答案:b )14.miss zhangtall.(易)


答案:a )15.--boygirl? -a girl.(易)


答案:c )16.zoomcomputer games.(难)

a.to likeb.likec.likes


1、 he big eyes has and nose a small (.难)

答案:he has big eyes and a small nose.

2、spell these can words you (?难)

答案:can you spell these words?


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