
发布 2020-09-29 07:19:28 阅读 7347

unit 6today is her birthday .

一、词汇。1、名词:idea主意,parent父亲(母亲)复数parents父母,5、how many birds can you see ?

询问某人有多少什么东西?复习句型:how many+可数名词复数+do/does+主语+h**e?

回答:主语+h**e/has +数字+可数名词复数。




3)thirty,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,hundred5、动词:know知道;do you know?你知道吗?

或does he know?他知道吗?二、短语。

1、h**e a birthday party举行生日聚会2、buy a gift买个礼物。

idea好主意4、make a card做张卡片5、how old多大,几岁6、a nice girl一个好女孩7、good luck好运8、make a wish许愿。

9、h**e a look看一看 the tree在树上(外来的)11、fly away飞走12、sing happily快乐地唱歌13、on one,s birthday在某人生日上。

三、句型。1、what are you going to do for your mother on her birthday?

回答:i’m going to buy a gift for my mother.

本句:前半句,what are you going to do上单元已学过的重点句型2、happy birthday to you !

回答:thank you!

3、how about your parents ?

4、how old are you ?询问某人年龄多大?

回答:i am ten years old .注意:years old也可以省略。

6、what is+(数字) +and+(数字)?提问某两个数字相加的和多少?what is twenty and thirty?

回答:twenty and thirty is fifty。

unit 6today is her birthday .




3)thirty,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,hundred5、动词:know知道;do you know?你知道吗?

或does he know?他知道吗?二、短语。

1、h**e a birthday party举行生日聚会2、buy a gift买个礼物。

idea好主意4、make a card做张卡片5、how old多大,几岁6、a nice girl一个好女孩7、good luck好运8、make a wish许愿。

9、h**e a look看一看 the tree在树上(外来的)11、fly away飞走12、sing happily快乐地唱歌13、on one,s birthday在某人生日上。

三、句型。1、what are you going to do for your mother on her birthday?

回答:i’m going to buy a gift for my mother.

本句:前半句,what are you going to do上单元已学过的重点句型。

2、happy birthday to you !

回答:thank you!

3、how about your parents ?

4、how old are you ?询问某人年龄多大?

回答:i am ten years old .注意:years old也可以省略。

5、how many birds can you see ?询问某人有多少什么东西?复习句型:

how many+可数名词复数+do/does+主语+h**e?回答:主语+h**e/has +数字+可数名词复数。

6、what is+(数字) +and+(数字)?提问某两个数字相加的和多少?what is twenty and thirty?

回答:twenty and thirty is fifty。


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