
发布 2020-09-29 05:59:28 阅读 1078




_ dd __ii __pp __ttww __

_ff __kk __qq __mmuu __


) eman

) 3. gr___dma

) 4. ch___ken a. ic

) 5. _ly a ear

) 6. dr__ ver

) kfast

) lly

) ch


)1. a. farmer b. who worker

)2. a. pig b. horse cow

)3. a. rice b. doctor d. dumplings

)5. aunt


)1. she is a bus drivera.他们是泰迪熊。

) want to be a doctorb.他们有书。

) are farmersc.我想成为一名医生。

) h**e booksd.她是一名公共车司机。

) night, deare.他们是农民。

)6. they are teddy bearsf.晚安,亲爱的!

) upg.**睡觉。

) to bedh.起床。

) the treei.在树上。

) h**e classes at eight in the morning j.我早上八点上课。


) my brother.

a. are b .is c. the

) a bag.

a. atb. in c. h**e

) my father.

a. isb. amc. are

) the farm?

a. on b. to c. on

) a cat __my bedroom.

) do you __classes?.

a. h**eb. are c .be

) old __she?

a. is b. are c. am

) we h**e rice __the afternoon.

a. on b. at c .in

) h**e __egg for breakfast.

a. some b. an c. a

) 10. there’s a horse __the farm.

a. of b. for c. on


1. your/what/is/father(?)

2. they / do /on / what /h**e /the /farm(?)

3. breakfast / what’s / for/(?

4. h**e / when /you / do / classes

5. h**e / a / big / face / i (.


) is my sister.


) driver has rice.

a. 司机吃米饭b.司机不吃米饭。

) h**e vegetables

a. 我吃蔬菜b.他吃蔬菜。

) 4. we h**e milk


) 5. .the policeman has bread and eggs.



ab ) are youa. i h**e a cat.

) is heb. a it’s an umbrella.

) 3. what do you h**ec. nice to meet you.

) is in your handd. i am a nurse.

) to meet youe. he is a driver.



a. what is your father? b. how is the father ? c. what is the father?


a.xiao ming. is she your sister ? b. .xiao ming. is she your father ?

c. .xiao li. is she your brother ?


a. who is the boy? b. who is that girl? c .who is the man?


a. welcome! b. thank you. c. you are welcome.


a. is your mother a worker ,too? b. is your mother a worker ?

c .what is your name?


hello! i’m panda. i’m a doctor , i h**e some friends .

look!the monkey is a teacher and the dog is a driver , the cat is a cook .the rabbit a worker .

and the elephant is a nurse.


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