
发布 2020-09-29 05:56:28 阅读 8606





划船make a ***** hat

做纸帽子go shopping

二: 选出不同类的单词。

1: (a: rice b: soup c: light d: bread

2: (a: thin b: long c: short d: sports

3: (a: thirty b: twenty c: pencil d: fifty

4:( a: picture b: door c: window d: book

5:( a: spoon b: water c: plate d: fork


1.到时间上英语课了,小明还在玩,你对他说: it’sxiao ming.




五填入单词所缺的字母。(10 分 )

1. l___mb 2. w__ ther 3.

gr__ n 4. br__ kfast 5. w__ll 6.

b__g 7. r__ ny 8. g__ den 9.

g__m 10. th__ teen

2. b栏里找出a栏的正确答句,把它的字母编号写在对应的问句前的括号里。( 10 分 )

ab3. (1. are they your parentsa. thirty yuan .

4. (2. what is the weather like todayh. i am eleven .

5. (3. how much is the nice shirtc. no . it’ s time for math .

6. (4. is it time for englishd. no , they aren’ t .

7. (5. whose dresses are thosej. i’ d like some chicken .

8. (6. what are thesef. they are my mother’ s .

9. (7. how old are youg. she’ s a nurse .

10. (8. how many erasers do you h**e ? b. they are hens .

11. (9. what would you like for dinner ? i. i h**e nine .

12. (10. what’ s your mothere. it’ s cloudy and cool .

五、根据单词首写字母以及中文提示填上正确的单词。( 10 分 )

welcome to my bedroom .in my b卧室)you can see a chair , a d___课桌)and a b___床). look , there is a pencil—case ,a c电脑)and a lamp on the desk .

in the pencil—case there are three钢笔).


) i can see a big lake.

) can i h**e a look?

) what’ s on the lake?

) how many boats can you see?

) sorry, too many.

) i can see many boats.

) sure.

) hi, joker, what can you see?



a: hello! can i help you?

b: five peppers, please.

a: how much?

b: 8 yuan.



一连线 16 a 唱歌swim 游泳sing 飞read读书fly b 划船make a hat 做纸帽子go shopping 二 选出不同类的单词。1 a rice b soup c light d bread 2 a thin b long c short d sports 3 a thirt...


洪湖市2009 2010学年度第一学期期中文化素质检测。小朋友们,又到期中考试时间了,这份英语试题共四页,六大题,满分100分,考试时间为60分钟。请你们认真读题,仔细答题。一 听辨单词。1 10 10 指出你所听到的单词或短语。1.a manb monkeyc mouse 2.a lampb lo...


笔试部分。八 下列每小题中有四个字母,其中三个的发音中含有一个共同音,请你认真读一读,找出跟这三个字母发音规律不同的那个字母,将其字母标号写在题前的括号里。5分 c 1.a.pp b.tt c.rr d.bb 2.a.ss b.hh c.ff d.mm 3.a.vv b.cc c.jj d.gg 小...