
发布 2023-02-02 16:30:28 阅读 9718





三 、听录音,选出最佳答语,将序号填在题前括号内。(10分)

) is my friend. like noodles. some rice.

) you are. i am. like chocolates.

) from america. is my some cookies.

) to meet you. 6:10. i like noodles.

) like 12:00. cakes, please.

笔试部分( 70分 )


c__ b_ n _ n _ b_ d p _ nc _ l c _ t


) my socks? are they on the chair ?

a. are b. are c. is

)2. shall wecomputer games ?

a. play b. go c. do

)3dad? —he’s in the garden, i think.

a. what’s b. where’s c. who’s

( )4. what’s the time ? 的同义句为:

a. what time it ? b. what’s time? c. what time is it ?

) ismr hill.

a. teacher our new b. our new teacher c. our a teacher

) stillbed.

a. a b. go c. in

) late __school.

a. and b. for c. but

) i __you?

a. help b. helping c. helps

) me __tea.

a. cup b. an c. a cup of

)10. wake __you are late.

a. down b. up c. in



this is my friend , jim. he is english . he is in class 3, grade1.

look! his hat is red .it’s on his head.

my name is li ming. i am a chinese boy. i am twelve, too .

i’m in class 1. we are good friends.

) friend’s name is jim and my name is dong cheng.

) 2. jim’s(吉姆的) hat is red .

) 3. he is from the usa .

) 4. jim is in class 3, grade 1 and i’m in class 1 .

) 5. we are good friends.


1. my to welcome home .

2. it under tree is the ?

3. like i’d to milk drink .

4. are behind the car you ?

5. i’m a student new .

听力部分:一、a c b c a

二、5 1 6 4 3 2

三、b b a c b

笔试部分:四、cd banana bed pencil cat

五、aabcb cbacb



八、1. welcome to my home.

2. is it under the tree?

3. i’d like to drink milk.

4. are you behind the car?

5. i’m a new student.


2012 2013学年度四年级第一学期英语期末测试卷 姓名得分。听力部分 一 请你先听录音,然后根据录音中讲述内容的次序给下列 编号。二 请你先听录音,然后选出与你所听到内容同属一类的单词。1.a.pen b.pie c.hat d.violin 2.a.bread b.pencil c.cup d...


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