
发布 2023-02-02 16:26:28 阅读 5762





1. f cea. u b. a c. o

) 2. k tea. i b. e c. o

) 3. cl na. ae b. ee c. ea

) 4. sh ta. or b. er c. ri

) 5. s_ cka. a b. u

) 6. l st_na. i, e b. e, e c. u, e

) 7. r da. ae b. er c. ea

) 8. tr sers a. oa b. ea c. ou

) 9. sh tsa. or b. er c. ar

) 10. d _ ss a. er b. ie


) 1. a. are b. they c. my

) 2. a. sweater b. skirt c. bed

) 3. a. new b. sweater c. old

) 4. a. read b. yellow c. blue

) 5. a. scarf b. gloves c. oranges

) 6. a. they b. myc. you

) 7. a. isb. shec. he

) 8. a. his b. herc. is

) 9. a. today b. sunday c. monday

) 10. a. wear b. shoes


green tiger book jump friday


) the evening a. 在早晨 b.在晚上。

) a picture a.照相 b.画画。

) tuesdaya.在星期二 b.在星期四。

) my hair a.梳头 b.刷牙。

) ona.脱下 b. 穿上。


)1. i do my homework __the evening.

a. in c. at

)2. this is __old sweater.

a. a b. an c. /

) is he___

a. wear b. wears c. wearing

)4.__this her dress?

a. is b. are c. am

)5.—are these his shorts? -no, _

a. they are b. they aren’t c. it isn’t

) these __gloves?

a. she b. you c. her

)7. -i like your dress

a. thanks. b. yes, thanks. c. it’s new.

)8. this is a red __

a. skirts b. shorts c. skirt

) talk on the phone __my friends.

a. to b. with c. and

)10. what do you do __home?

a. at b. in c. to

)11. i brush my __

a. tooth b. teeth c. tooths

)12. danny and li ming fly

a. kites b. a kites c. kite

) is jenny. _is wearing a red skirt.

a. she b. her c. he

) my face.

a. brush b. comb c. wash

) nice.

a. look b. looks c. is looking


)1. 你想问别人,“这是你的围巾吗?”应该说。

a. where’s your scarf? b. are these your scarf?

c. is this your scarf?

)2. 你想说“这是我最喜欢的外套”应该说。

a. these are my f**ourite coats?

b. this is my f**ourite coat

c. this is my f**ourite gloves.

)3. 你想问别人“你做什么?”应该说。

a. what’s that? b. what’s this?

c. what do you do?

)4. 当别人问你“is this your computer?”,你应该回答。

a. yes, it is. b. yes, they are. c. no, it is.

)5. 当有人问你“what day is it?”时,你应该回答。

a. monday. b. seven. c. sunny.


ab ) these her it’s old.

) this coat they are.

) day is it


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