
发布 2020-09-27 13:22:28 阅读 5663






四十三8.五十四 9.六十五___10.

七十六 11.八十七 12.九十八___13.

一百14.售货员 many 16.多少钱全写反义词) 反义词20.

cheap(反义词) 反义词22网球鞋24.拖鞋25. 凉鞋26.

靴子27. 一双完全形式。



) 1. c. toothbrush d. cute

) 3. d. music ( 4. b. window c. for d. rose

) 5. d. bike5. b. me c. elephant d. he

三、 选出所给单词不同类的选项。(6分)

) 1. a. hamburger b. banana c. pear2. a. am b. is c. them

) 3. a. sixty b. how much c. how many ( 4. a. sneakers b. pants c. scandals

) 5. a. pretty b. cheap c. yellow c. grey

四、 选择填空。(20分)

) 1. _books do you h**e? a. how many b. how much c. how

) 2. can i help youa. thank you. b. no, you can’t. c. yes, please.

) 3. are they nice? yes, i like __a. them b. they c. their

) 4. i want two __and three __a. pear, apple b. bananas, orange c. apples, bananas

) 5. this shirt is ok, but it’s too __a. expensive b. goodc. nice

)6. are they all righta. yes, it is. b. no, they are good. c. yes, they are.

)7. how muchthirty-five yuan. a. it is b. are the sneaker c. are the shoes

) sizea. size five. b. five yuan. c. five o’clock.

)9. how muchyour jeans? a. isb. arec. am

)10. 1 wantsneakers for my son. a. a b. a pair of c. an

)11. can i wear my new shirta. yes, i am. b. no, we can’t. c. yes, you can.

)12. the shoes are your feet. a. inb. onc. under

)13. what’s the like in shangliang? it’s hot. a. sweater b. weather c. water

)14.你决定买下某件东西,应对售货员说: a. i want it. b. look at. c. i'll take it.

)15that dressa. look b. look at c. look on


a. very cheap b. very pretty c. very expensive


a.look at my clothes, please b.can you help me? c.can i help you?

)18.你问售货员一条裤子多少钱时说: much are the pants? many pants are there? much is the pants?

)19. are they nice? yes, i likea. them b. they c. their

)20. shirt is here?it’s hang lan’s. a. what b. who c. where


)1、how much are the sandals? a. it’s 20 yuan.

)2、can i help youb. size 9.

)3、what you.

)4、how much is that shirt? d. they are 35yuan.

)5、your dress is colourful! e. yes,please.

六、 按正确顺序排列下列句子。(7分)

( )ok, i'll take it.

( )how much is it?

( )can i help you?

( )what size?

( )it's ninety yuan.

( )size six.

( )yes, please. i want a pair of shoes.


is, how, dress, this

2. shirt, is, the, yuan, ten

3. i, help, you, can, (

4. about, how, pair, this,

5. want,apairof,i,slippers


1it’s 30 yuan.

2these sneakers are 65 yuan.

are fifteen yuan.(变一般疑问句。


第一课时。教学重点 单词 colourful pretty cheap expensive 句子 it s cheap pretty expensive colourful.来描述 和颜色。教学难点 单词expensive的读音。根据实际情景运用本课时的四个形容词。教具准备 1 本课生词的单词卡片。...


课题教学目标教学重点教学难点教学准备。unit 5 how much is it 知识。课型。复习课。掌握how much is it 的用法。与技能过程。复习,自主学习。与方法情感态度。培养学生正确的消费价值观。价值观。how much is it 的用法。单复数的变化。课件 多 设备学案流程。学...


pep四年级英语上册第五单元单元检测。班级姓名 听力部分。一 听音,把你听到的那一项的字母代号填在题前的括号内。10分。 soupb.spoonc.juice chopsticks