PEP小学英语四年级下册一二单元测试题 1

发布 2020-09-27 13:24:28 阅读 4489



1. (cake snake 2. (hat face 3.( apple grape

4we she 5. (me bed 6.( egg desk


) 1. a. playground b. garden c. english

) 2. a. living room b. art room c. music room

) 3. a. lunch b. canteen c. dinner

) 4. a. math b. chinese c. gym

) 5. a. time b. ten c. eight

)6. a. music b. english c. dinner

)7. a. breakfast b. cake c . lunch

)8. a. firstb. our c. second

)9、a、duck b. catc. art

)10、a、7 o’clock b.4:35 c.6 clocks


) 1. it's time for music class. let's go to the music room.

) 2. it's six o'clock. it's time for breakfast.

) 3. we h**e a new computer room. it's on the second floor.

) 4. hello, amy. it's 7: 00 now. let's go to school.

) 5. it's 10: 30. it's time for english class.


例:(7:05/school) a: what time is it?

b:it’s 7:05. it’s time to go to school.

1、(6:50/get up) a

b2、(8:00/english) a


b4、(9:00/go to bed) a

b5、(8:30/watch tv) a



)1.__this a garden ?

a. is b. is c. are

)2.__is the art room ?

a. who b. what c. where

) music room is __the second floor.

a. in b. on c. under

)4. how many __are there in your school?

a. gyms b. garden c. playground

( )5. -is that a board? -no

a. it is b. is not c. it isn’t

) 6. it’s timeschool.

a. to go to b、 for go to c. to go

) 7. it’s timelunch。

a. to b. for c. at

) 8.--how many cats can you see in the picture?--

a. second b. two c. first

) 9is the art room?

--this way , please.

a. how many b. where c. what

) 10this the canteen?

no, it isn’t. b. are c. do

) over. let′s go to the playground.

) go home! just minute.

) 13. it’s 9:00. it’s time h**e music class.

it’s 2:50. it’s time class

) you lunch at school?

) want to


1. that my computer is .

2. is teacher's desk this a ?

3. time what is it?

4. o'clock it's seven .

5. time it's go to schoolto .

八、 选句填空, 在横线填上句子的字母符号。(5分)

a: welome to our school

b: how many students are there in your classroom?

ab:do you h**e a library ?ab

a:the canteen is on the first floor .

ba: yes, we do

b: this is our classroom.

c: forty.

d: your school is cool .

e: where is the canteen?


1、( let’s go the librarya、yes, i do.

2、( where is the teacher’s officeb、yes, it is.

3、( do you h**e lunch at schoolc、 forty-six.

4、( how many desks are there in your class? d、it’s 9:00.

5、( is that your pencile、it’s on the first floor.

6、( what time is itf、ok.


welcome to my school. there are 30 classrooms in my school. look, this is a big playground .

in this building(大楼), you can see the gym, the library and the art room are on the first floor. there are many story-books and picture books in the library. you can read books in it.

my classroom is on the second floor. it’s big and clean. i like it.

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