
发布 2020-09-26 12:21:28 阅读 8460

课题:lesson 1 look at the picture of my family

课型:新授课时:3 执笔人:王亚军。

第一学时。学习内容:lesson 1 look at the picture of my family

学习目标(learning aims)


this is my family

this is my name is….

2.会说会用会写这些单词 family dad mum picture 。

学习重、难点(learning key points and difficult points)


this is my family

this is my name is….

导学过程(learning process)

课前准备。热身(warming up)


a:hello. i’m miss name is linda smith.

b:i’m mr name is chen hua. nice to meet you.

a: nice to meet you ,too. what’s that ?

b: oh. this is a picture.

a: a picture? let me h**e a look.

b: ok. look! this is my family. this is my dad.

a: what’s his name?

b: his name is chen gang. this is my mum.

a: what’s her name?

b: her name is wang chunmei.

课堂导学。新课展示(new presentation)




1)教师出示主图中的家庭**,让学生边看,老师边反复说picture picture picture 。 然后让学生和老师一起拍着手或打着节奏读这个单词,引导学生注意这个单词有两个音节: pic-ture, picture ,pic-ture, picture 。

板书时同样注意拼写的节奏,如:写出pic 读/pik /,再写出ture 读/ /板书的同时让学生空书。


this is a picture of beijing.

this is a picture of my school.

this is a picture of my teacher.

is this a picture of your brother?

yes, it is./no, it isn’t.

2)教师拿出自己家庭的**,教授单词family 。


what picture is it?

this is a picture of my family.

然后,声音从大到小,重复五遍family family family family family 。让学生学着老师重复这个单词。


fa-mi-ly family


whose family is this?

某个同学一看是自己的家庭** ,立刻站起来回答:

it’s my family.


it’s …’s family.

3) 教师再拿出自己的家庭**,流露出温馨的样子,指着上面的人说:

look. this is a picture of my family. this is my dad. this is my mum.



is this your dad? no, he isn’t. he is my dad. he isn’t your dad.

不管是 your dad还是 my dad,人称代词都是“他”,用 he来代替 。

比如:he isn’t your dad. he is my dad.

4) what’s his name, do you know? 他叫什么名字?

bob smith.鲍勃 ·史密斯。his name is bob smith.

拼读 bob smith 。


his他的。男性“他的” 都用his。老师指着班上任意一男生引导学生理解 he和his.随手用该男生的物品学习应用人称代词和物主代词。

如:he is li dong. he is my friend. he is a good boy.

his name is tom. this is his pen/ his book / his bag.



两个同学一组一一从教室的走道走过,前一个同学先快速走过时, 用手摸摸每一个男同学的头说:he,he,he,he,he…. 等他走完时,第二个同学也走过这个走道,当他快速走过时,也用手摸摸每一个男同学的头说:

his , his , his , his , his ….

2. 《英语配套练习与检测》1页第i题听一听,跟读并连线。

3. 《英语配套练习与检测》2页第ii题听一听,填空。

作业 1、复习本课重点句型。



第二学时。学习内容:lesson 1 look at the picture of my family

学习目标(learning aims)

1. 复习巩固前面所学的知识。并通过游戏练习人称代词和物主代词。

2. 听listen and read部分录音和listen,look and match部分录音。

3. 学习let’s practice(i) (ii)

学习重、难点(learning key points and difficult points)

物主代词。导学过程(learning process)

课前准备。热身(warming up)

复习单词。1)教师出示家庭**,让学生说picture picture picture 。

2)教师拿出自己家庭的**,复习单词family 。

3) 教师再拿出自己的家庭**,复习单词dad. mum.

4)复习,男性“他的” 都用his。随手用男生的物品复习人称代词和物主代词。.

课堂导学。1. 新课展示(new presentation)

1)this is my mum. (示主图中的家人**,指着上面的妈妈说。) her name is ann smith.安·史密斯

拼读 ann smith 。

拼读拼写单词 mum 。

教师出示自己母亲的单人**对学生说 :this is my mum. show me your mum . please say ‘ this is my mum.’

让学生们出示自己母亲的**一起大声说 :this is my mum.

练习活动:这个活动横排同时进行。每排的第一个学生出示自己母亲的** ,向旁边一个同学介绍:

this is my mum. her name is wang ying.


that’s your mum. what’s her name?


this is my mum. her name is wang ying.


拼读拼写单词 her。

her她的。表示女性“她的”,我们要用her 。

示白雪公主**) the girl is very nice. what’s her name,do you know?

her name is snow white.她的名字叫白雪公主。she is a nice girl. her name is snow white.

老师出示另一女教师的**,引导学生理解 she和her.师生问答:

t: who is she ?

ss:she is our teacher.

t:what’s her name?

ss: her name is zhang xi.

2.**listen and read部分录音。

听,并跟读。注意人名bob smith ann smith linda smith的读音,介绍这几个人之间的关系。

3. **listen,look and match部分录音。


4.let’s practice(i)

复习见人问候, 向别人介绍自己的爸爸妈妈,朋友,同学等。


a: hello,b. this is c. c,this is b.

c:nice to meet you,b.

b:nice to meet you.



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